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Mon, Mar 11 2013 12:39 AM (2 replies)
  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 9:50 PM

    I have mentioned this once before but I thought I need to air it again and get some support. I have also got a couple more suggestions to add.

    WGT as a CC owner I need tools to help me manage the masses.

    My club is small (under 50).

    1. But it is a downright pain in the buttski having to individually "friend" each of the new players so I can send them a welcome email.

    The same pain must occur for the new joining member !

    I know with larger clubs with hundreds of players it would be over the top but I think when a player joins a club the fellow members should automatically become flagged as friends , or at least automatically add the Owner as a friend after all he/she accepted the application.

    2.  Ability to nominate co-owners OR office bearers.

    If we could nominate a membership secretary who receives the "join requests" that woud be great. I have active people who would willingly participate but are unable to as the whole Ownership concept is extremely limited.

    3.  Ably to Reply to Application for Membership if Declining

    Currently you can't reply other than to say no, no reason or explanation can be given. If someone applies to join my CC however I feel they have not shown their continued interest at that time, I want to be able to say "look you've only just started, we would be happy to have you when you've been around for awhile so please feel free to re-apply when you have some rounds under your belt".  Or something of that nature.


    Any chances of these things Mister WGT ?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 11:17 PM

    I concur. Also will some owners ever get the ability to delete threads and will we ever get e-mails when people join or leave?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2013 12:39 AM

    +1 to both of you!

    Add tier-divided tourneys.


    About: the mails: I received them until November. Probably the major update of Dec 5 may be to blame (bags, Korbel balls and other enhancements).