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It's just a GAME!

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 13 2013 5:51 PM (21 replies)
  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 7:39 AM

    Ranting, raving, complaining, venting about WGT, VEM, WTF's,      get over it!  Play the GAME as it is or QUIT.........................

    What part of nobody gives a ***, about YOUR GAME, do you not comprehend?





  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 10:05 AM


    Ranting, raving, complaining, venting about WGT, VEM, WTF's,      get over it!  Play the GAME as it is or QUIT.........................

    What part of nobody gives a ***, about YOUR GAME, do you not comprehend?

    Yeah I feel the same way about people who are Ranting, raving, complaining and venting about people who are Ranting, raving, complaining, venting about WGT, VEM, WTF's

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 10:21 AM
  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 10:27 AM

    Its just a game ,but it is much more .....we all know that .......just like baseball is just a game ,   Hockey . Real Golf ,Football is just a game ,and look at the passion the avarage American have for this game.  In Europe soccer is just a game ...look at the world the way they attache importence in the game of soccer.   WGT is a vitual game  ,no need to rave, complain ,no need to vent our frustrtion it will not change the game , the game is  fine in my book , one day i am on ,the next i can not par most courses.                             Patience  , frienship , pride  is part of this great game .  If after 6 months this game frustrate you to the point of complaining .Ranting, venting in the forums  ....  Maybee its time to find another virtual game and let us enjoy this game  without reading negative post  all the time ....... its getting to the point where i only look for positive post , like the music  Thread, the generus and giving threads , the Helping  information Threads , and most of all for me  the funny Threads from players that never complain on the posts .  My  two cents  today.          Amen YJim   i agree 110%  in Golfvader   post .

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 10:38 AM


    Ranting, raving, complaining, venting about WGT, VEM, WTF's,      get over it!  Play the GAME as it is or QUIT.........................

    What part of nobody gives a ***, about YOUR GAME, do you not comprehend?





    The last time I checked , the forums are here to allow players to voice their opinions . It doesnt matter if you agree with them or not . Just as you are voicing your opinion right now , it is here for you to do so. So what gives you the right to tell other players , that they cant do the same. If WGT would not only address, but also fix , the problems with the game. Many of the vents, and complaints , would cease. I have said on more than one occasion, that the biggest problem that WGT has, is customer satisfaction , and nothing has changed. So until WGT resolves the issues with the game, the vents, rants , and raves will continue . So if you dont wish to see this , then dont read the threads posted , which do so. Happy Swinging 


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 10:41 AM

    I pay my credits. I'll ***, or not, as I like. I see you're doing the same.

  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 11:15 AM

    Maybe it just happens to me but I just finished 9 holes on Royal St. George. Many times I hit including the wind and the ball went way over the mark. So I guess the wind does not need to be calculated as you would in real golf. Then again the putts on green were short every time by 2 or 3 inches. It took me 4 swings to get out of trap.The 4th being a flop shot into the rough ahead. This took my score from -1 to +3 one this one hole. breaks were all off and so I guess it's just hit the ball and hope. This game is terrible in it's present form  beta or not. Is WGT making more money with this VEM in effect? If so that proves that purposely screwing up a persons game for monetary gain is what is happening. 

    Obviously you guys that get tired of hearing about the effects of VEM are not tagged with it. You need to use WGT balls and an R9 Driver, Taylor Made Burner irons and a Spider Putter. Then tell me if you don't have the same issues we have. all WGT is concerned about is making money not making the game better.

  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 11:18 AM

    The last time I checked , the forums are here to allow players to voice their opinions . It doesnt matter if you agree with them or not . Just as you are voicing your opinion right now , it is here for you to do so. So what gives you the right to tell other players , that they cant do the same. If WGT would not only address, but also fix , the problems with the game. Many of the vents, and complaints , would cease. I have said on more than one occasion, that the biggest problem that WGT has, is customer satisfaction , and nothing has changed. So until WGT resolves the issues with the game, the vents, rants , and raves will continue . So if you dont wish to see this , then dont read the threads posted , which do so. Happy Swinging 


    It is one thing to bring an issue to the forums in a rational manner. Most if us have done that at one time or another. But it is another thing entirely to continually rant and rave about minor things and many of the posters probably just made a poor shot or a bad decision and blamed  the game for it because they are too proud to admit hey I screwed up.
    In the 3 1/2 years i have been on here I had maybe 2 bad shots that were not my fault. Every thing else was just a badly missed ding , a stupid shot that I had no business trying,or not looking at what club or what putting scale I had before finishing the shot.

    Sure this isn't perfect, but what in life is? This is as close to perfection that you are going to find in an on-line game.

    And no most of the rants and raves would continue even if it were perfect because some people will never be satisfied and are not happy unless they can complain about something.



  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 11:47 AM


    Maybe it just happens to me but I just finished 9 holes on Royal St. George. Many times I hit including the wind and the ball went way over the mark. So I guess the wind does not need to be calculated as you would in real golf. Then again the putts on green were short every time by 2 or 3 inches. It took me 4 swings to get out of trap.The 4th being a flop shot into the rough ahead. This took my score from -1 to +3 one this one hole. breaks were all off and so I guess it's just hit the ball and hope. This game is terrible in it's present form  beta or not. Is WGT making more money with this VEM in effect? If so that proves that purposely screwing up a persons game for monetary gain is what is happening. 

    Obviously you guys that get tired of hearing about the effects of VEM are not tagged with it. You need to use WGT balls and an R9 Driver, Taylor Made Burner irons and a Spider Putter. Then tell me if you don't have the same issues we have. all WGT is concerned about is making money not making the game better.


       With your stats sir averaging 20 feet from the hole and a 29% one putt average I just don't think you would know if you had been bitten by the VEM. The game plays the same for all of us, it just depends on how you play the result. If it took you four shots to get out of a bunker then may I suggest you try something different next time. Your sand save stat is below 30%, 21.38% to be exact, I just don't see it happening! Good luck and play on.  ;)


  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 12:33 PM


    It's just a GAME!

    ...That costs you money (aka OB/Lost balls)


    this is not to say you don't have a point, but still...,
    whenever money is involved people will have their say