It wouldn't surprise me. I have had so many problems tonight I came close to throwing my imaginary clubs in the bin. I'm on IE so I thought that might be part of the problem. I use firefox too but that is too jerkey with things like youtube and WGT. does anyone else have a problem with IE that when you type, letters, punctuation and sometimes spaces don't register on the screen? typing this for example I am typing much slower than normal to make sure I'm not making mistakes. I don't get this on firefox or any other typing program. I can usually type pretty fast without looking at the keyboard, not with IE though.
I hope this downtime allows certain problems to be fixed. the meter jerking, which has caused me to lose countless balls, miss hit drives, approach shots and putts. clubs hitting no where near their stated distance, the wind having no effect on the ball. I know that hitting from the rough, fescue or sand will reduce your shot distance, but I just had a shot where I was in the rough 55 yards from the hole with an 18mph tail wind, I used my tour w 64 wedge which should hit 60 yards with a full swing, but the ball only went 28 yards. this has happened a lot in a lot of different situations, even from the fairway. I hope the tech guys at WGT can sort this mess out.
I have also had a case where clubs hit further than their stated distance, rgardless of the wind. for example on one hole on the CTTH at Manele, you are faced with a 127 yard shot, if I try this shot with my 130 yard 9 iron with a slightly less than full swing, the ball goes way over the hole, but with my 115 yard PW I can get within a few feet. how the hell is stuff like this even possible?
sort it out soon please guys, this game is no longer the joy to play it once was.