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Inconsistant distancs with new irons.

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Thu, Mar 14 2013 8:26 PM (13 replies)
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  • nolongerlonger
    2,813 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 5:09 AM

    Just purchased a new set of irons a few weeks ago.  Because of meter speed choose Ping Rapture (lvl 48) irons.  Matched these up with Ping Tour W wedges (60, 75 and 90 yards).These all joined my Rapture Driver and 3 Wood.  Love my Woods and Wedges as they are dependable and consistant.  Adjusted ok to the increased meter speed of the Wedges. However the Rapture Irons require having to be dailed in for distance on  every different course that I play. As a result I only play South Carolina and the two across the pond.

    Is it possible to purchase a flawed set of clubs?  I am not lol. Should I trade in my Rapture Irons for a G20 Iron set?  I am totally happy with my Raptures on Kaiwah.

    In my virtural golf world I have a condo @ Kaiwah and plan to play 18 every morning as the sun rises over the Atlantic.  After lunch maybe play a irtual round on Bethpage Black or Oakmont.   My current iron problem is preventing this.

    I currently use Explorer latest edition.  No meter skips or jumps. My CPU far exceeds rquirements for computer.

    Any suggestions?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 5:18 AM

    Icon owned this game for the longest time with those Raptures on all courses. It's not the irons you need to address, it's the 50% GIRs, 17% sand saves and 23% scrambling that you should be looking at. You have good wedges, learn them to improve these. Buying new irons isn't going to fix the problem.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 5:26 AM


    and perhaps learn about shot distance changes due to different levels of the landing zone?

    OAK, BPB, OLY have much larger elevation changes than KIA, RSG and STA...

    Start with the rule of thumb "3 feet elevation = 1 yard length"...

  • nolongerlonger
    2,813 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 7:12 AM

    Let's say we have a driviing range. Totaly flat --no elevation change  No rough or sand or weeds or wind..  My 8 iron should go 140 yards start to stop.

    Now go to any course anywhere.  Again my 8 iron to hit a shot to a 6' elevated green out of 30-40 rough.  Again no wind or weeds. Take my 8 iron add 2 yards to 140 for elevation change =142 and add 10 yards to compensate for the rough =152.  Hit this with proper power and it should also go 140 start to stop.  Correct?  This is not happening.

    If I had purhased these clubs at Dick's I would clean them up, put them back in the box and take them back to Dick.  Of course I will continue to try to adjust my power numbers to compensate for the problem. 

    Both examples hit the  ding 100% producing the circle signal.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 7:24 AM


    Let's say we have a driviing range. Totaly flat --no elevation change  No rough or sand or weeds or wind..  My 8 iron should go 140 yards start to stop.

    Now go to any course anywhere.  Again my 8 iron to hit a shot to a 6' elevated green out of 30-40 rough.  Again no wind or weeds. Take my 8 iron add 2 yards to 140 for elevation change =142 and add 10 yards to compensate for the rough =152.  Hit this with proper power and it should also go 140 start to stop.  Correct?  This is not happening.

    If I had purhased these clubs at Dick's I would clean them up, put them back in the box and take them back to Dick.  Of course I will continue to try to adjust my power numbers to compensate for the problem. 

    Both examples hit the  ding 100% producing the circle signal.


    Perhaps your calculations for the rough are incorrect for those clubs? Or, a punch shot from 30-40% rough would be the better option.

  • nolongerlonger
    2,813 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 7:57 AM

    A lt to work on and think about.  Just finished a round and my distances are messed up on irons and putting. Will go to practice rounds until I can get it leveled up again.

    Just changed tiers.  Went from Pro to Tour Pro.  Would this possibly have any effect on this?

    When you hit a shot using your wedge does it always have backspin on it.

    Often when you are approaching a green down the neck of the green (straight in) your tracking arrow will show the ball coming in from the side of the green.  Totally off track. Any reason for this?

    Thanks for your replies.






  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 8:47 AM

    A lt to work on and think about.  Just finished a round and my distances are messed up on irons and putting.

    Heh, you've only scratched the surface. Instead of trying to learn your clubs and what they can do under various game conditions, do yourself a favor and head out to the back 9 of BPB. 10, 11 and 12 have long fairways that are suitable to hitting up and down on.

    Set up a practice round with low wind, get just in the fairway as close to the tee as you can to give yourself the most fairway to look at and then start hitting up and down that fairway. Use the reverse green view to aim backwards.  After you hit the ball, watch the yardage indicator and listen for the thump of the ball landing. That is the carry distance. Hit each iron 3-4 times and you will know what you can do with each one. Note the way each one rolls out after landing. Chrisironsbones has an outstanding chart on his profile-take a look at it and substitute your Raptures.

    Once you're comfortable with the carry of each club, experiment with the spin to see how it affects the distance. Know that the spin increases deviation with missed hits. Ultimately you will be able to look at a shot, know where it's supposed to land and then you can factor in what happens after the landing.

    I'm not sure I understand your thinking in the example with the 8i but on the wedges, depending on the ball you use-yes, the ball can back up and often does. Check where its landing and use top spin to stop it if you have to.

    Learning what your clubs actually do (as opposed to trusting what the specs say they can do)  is the best thing you can do for yourself. It's why Icon was so successful-he knew them. You can, too.  GL.  :-)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 8:51 AM

    Just changed tiers.  Went from Pro to Tour Pro.  Would this possibly have any effect on this?
    Pro => Tour Pro only changes the green speed to Very Fast.

    As for the shots, you shouldn't compare apples with peaches.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 8:53 AM

    you shouldn't compare apples with peaches.

    What if that peach is the apple of your eye?   ;-)

  • borntobesting
    9,775 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 8:56 AM

    When you hit a shot using your wedge does it always have backspin on it.

    Actually every club in your bag has backspin on it unless with maybe the exception of the starters and beginners. The better the clubs the more backspin. Just look at the dots of spin on your clubs, the more dots the more backspin. With the better Cleveland wedges there is so much backspin that there in no need to add extra backspin and in most cases it actually hurts your shot if you do add spin.

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