congrats to all !
i am short time here, 3 months+, and i'd like to know more about past times here, in wgtland. so, if someone of you have a little free time and will, please, be free to write a few lines about past times here (yours, groups, etc) in topic 'WGT - beloved place ...' in 'WGT beta' section. thanks
edit: as Jack said
JackTaylor: ...where did the time go???
maybe, it would be good if we can later (after 1 year or so) read what was happening here
edit: Lobsterboy: I've been a gamer since the ping pong video game came out in the late 70's and had the Spectrum ZX, Commadore 64
....... sometimes i play those old games on PC emulator. ......... the good old days.