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Fri, May 3 2013 2:56 AM (32 replies)
  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 8:42 AM


    I am looking at other Golf sites that have UNLIMITED BALLS at all levels....>>>>. Give me a ball with all the bells and whistles, making the playing field LEVEL for all, not according to how much money you can put out to improve you chances.......!

       "What do you think ???"

    I think that at real life golf courses, not all players have the same equipment - clubs or balls.

    Plus, I don't spend my money to 'buy' the Nike golf balls I play with here on WGT.





  • Poowanai275
    139 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 8:53 AM

    Still a dream...


  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 9:26 AM

    The use of balls and the revenue generated from them is a major source of income for WGT, in fact probably their major source.  With no fees for playing the game, they have only advertising and the sale of balls, equipment, etc. to generate income.  Going to a higher level free ball would cut deeply into this revenue.

    They obviously can make a ball that lasts longer at a much higher price.  However I would much rather have a ball that lasts 3 rounds for $1 than one that last 25 round for $8 just due to the potential of losing the high dollar ball.

    The thought that some have brought out would be a ball similar to putter pal that just lasts for so many hits and is never lost but eventually expires.  This would eliminate the issues with a lost ball and I think that if there was a counter for the ball, much like putter pal that players would prefer it.  The cost could be determined by ball hits as well, maybe with a 5 hit penalty for a lost ball or something like that.

  • TennesseeCraig
    16 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 9:34 AM

    I am very happy to see all the different types of comments about GOLF BALLS, and other equipment.   So, I will just remain A fun playing duffer.  I always used my SHANK BALLS when I had a dangerous hole... No shank balls here...I did buy a ball I didn't like, so I just knocked it in the water 3 times, and they were all gone....If you got the bucks, buy the best, and slow that meter down to a crawl, and the game is all yours.... I am having lots of enjoyment with my UNLIMITED beginners ball & beginners clubs. It is a pleasure to play daily as I eat my breakfast (no competetion - just FUN)... Signed:  TennesseeCraig - retired - Vietnam Vet.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 10:05 AM

    While a numeric counter like putter pal would be nice and more controllable by the players (don't really know a reason other than programming costs why not to build it), the unlosable ball would cut rather deep into their pockets, even with a penalty charge of a few strokes. This is due to the CTTH / Blitz games which IMHO swallow precious balls at an immense rate when water is involved. Parsimonious players like me change to cheap or free balls when playing those short play courses - obviously without any winning goals.

    Thus the ball prices would have to rise for those unlosables, levelling the profit loss.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 1:16 PM

    I'm quite happy to spend maybe 20 euros every now and again on balls, got the irons l want, waiting for the eligable driver.

    This is a great game, if this wasnt here, l would be spending 20 Euros a night down the local bar.

  • fronny25
    280 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 5:53 PM

    everyone wants better balls,courses,clubs,multiplayer features,tornaments..ect..but in this world we live in,unfortunenly all this costs money..

    so thats why a little money,helps u the player,and the game provider !!!

    game develpers go to great lenghs to make a game,thats FREE to play.....


  • randy5377
    4 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 6:58 AM

    i agree but they need to let you get all your moneys worth on your ball that you payed for losing a ball is bull chit. i payed for it i should get to use it not lose in the weeds on 2nd hit , it not real golf but they seem to be greedy !!!!!!!!!!!!! it about there money not ours

  • AceHoler26
    351 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 11:15 AM

    I must say that I agree with this "lost ball" sentiment. There should be no lost balls for premium balls.  None.  If you buy them then you should get the full compliment of hits from the balls.

    Some people will say that this will make the game less realistic.  But let's face it, this is virtual land NOT reality.  Even in real life I might find my ball in the weeds that WGT determines is lost once you hit it there.

    This game is extremely fun and the community is great, but it does need some tweaks.  The lost ball nonsense for premium balls is one of those tweaks.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 10:12 AM

    While I tend to agree that this isn't real golf and the balls are not really lost since they are only virtual balls anyway, I do think it does put more of any element of real golf into the game.

    Playing #6 at Congressional out in the fairway 245 away to the up pin, with a ball that I know won't be lost, I'm going at the pin every time.  With a ball that I won't get back, I might be a little more conservative.  

    I would like to see a hit counter on the ball instead of the line that we currently have, I would think that with putter pal and the new version of that for full shots, that it wouldn't be hard to do that with a ball.

    Also it would be nice if WGT could group all the 'free' balls that they give us into one category so you can play them them and use them all up rather than have a ball with 7 hits left or end up on the 8th hole and out of that ball.   I believe that they are all the same in terms of playability, just be nice to be able to use them all up.