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Fri, May 3 2013 2:56 AM (32 replies)
  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 10:19 AM


    I'm quite happy to spend maybe 20 euros every now and again on balls, got the irons l want, waiting for the eligable driver.

    This is a great game, if this wasnt here, l would be spending 20 Euros a night down the local bar.

    sounds like you and I are in the same boat mate .... cheers

  • caker72
    307 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 10:28 AM

    Totally agree about the ball counter Will,great idea,hopefully wgt listens to that one.


  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 11:32 AM

    You said great idea and WGT listens in the same sentence.   We all know that those two things don't go together.


  • blindpugh
    433 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 1:02 PM

    when did they start using eurosin GB?

  • micheldess
    819 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 8:21 PM

    I  lost 2 balls in ready go tournament... one srixon in the water  and  one max slow meter (600 credits for the  sleeve) in a weeds...

    Double loss, the credit for the  entry fee for the ready go  and for the balls..  these things happen but  it's still hard especially that it's not easy  to gain credits.

    I'm little discouraged but these things happen...

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 8:49 PM


    I  lost 2 balls in ready go tournament... one srixon in the water  and  one max slow meter (600 credits for the  sleeve) in a weeds...

    This must have been in two tournaments - one ball lost in each.

    As you say, yes it is frustrating but happens to us all, especially in the learning phases (although I am always learning) but don;t get discouraged. I would suggest using cheaper balls (I used the Tour SD untill I made TM). I too hate paying for the Max Balls, but the last few days I cant seem to get near the ding with my usual Callys so bit the bullet. Hopefully in a day or two I will have my eye in again lol.

  • micheldess
    819 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 11:06 PM

    Yes, in two tournament, i    lost more credits than   i gain lol ...  i'm going to take  a break for a few days,  lot of work and   little discouraged.

    I'm not  good at this game it's like that lol

  • TennesseeCraig
    16 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 3:03 AM

    I found a ball I didn't like so I knocked it into the water X 3 and "ALL GONE"....  It just shouldn't be that way !  Give me a ball with that is SLOW METER, lots of SPIN, all the bells and whistles I want and then let it be mine TO KEEP and not fear of losing it or out using it....."UNLIMITED BALLS" !!!

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 11:14 AM

    I just wish they'd let us replace a lost ball with one of the same or at least give us the choice , I wouldn't play a crap ball if i lost one IRL and you could then get rid of the odd balls you have in your bag


  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 11:30 AM


    I found a ball I didn't like so I knocked it into the water X 3 and "ALL GONE"....  It just shouldn't be that way !  Give me a ball with that is SLOW METER, lots of SPIN, all the bells and whistles I want and then let it be mine TO KEEP and not fear of losing it or out using it....."UNLIMITED BALLS" !!!

    So you do  realize that they still have a business to run don't you? Why in the world would they even consider this craig? And to top it off you want all the "bells and whistles" ? Well newsflash as much as we may hate it that isn't going to happen. They give us an unlimited ball now as it is like it or not.