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Sun, Mar 17 2013 9:15 AM (2 replies)
  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sun, Mar 17 2013 7:11 AM

    hi ive have a couple questions i just turned master  havent played a game since just got my set of g20 n set of atv wedges couple days ago was just wondering is clubs i purchase any good and  how important is feel in choosing a ball? and wat ball should i play with i dont have much creds to spend on balls allways?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Mar 17 2013 7:59 AM

    These lvl 58 G20 certainly are good clubs, and the ATV, too.

    More "feel" dots of balls mean that the meter is slower than other balls, and it's costly.

    Now you have payed for a slower meter of your clubs already, and I appreciate your current choice of Tour-SD balls. They have good performance at budget cost - IMHO 6 cr per 9 hole stroke game. I've played them long enough and still use them part-time. In prime playing times I estimated my expenses for balls to 10 $ per month.

    To save some credits you might consider any cheaper ball. Though their performance is somehow reduced, even the 10 crs sleeve brings a good advantage vs. the Starters!

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Mar 17 2013 9:15 AM

    I agree with alosso to a point . The lvl 58+ G20s are great clubs , and you will enjoy playing with them. However you will need a ball with feel , to handle the wedges .Now depending on your style of play, will depend on the ball that you will need as well. If you are just a casual player , who wants to shoot a decent score . Then you can get a ball with at least 1 dot of feel. But if you plan on playing for credits and the pay to play tournies , you will need the high dollar balls .I play the srixons 11+ , but I have no problems with earning credits. So food for thought , in making your choice . Hope this helps. Happy Swinging