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How Do I Clear a Cache?

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Sat, Jan 25 2014 4:11 PM (16 replies)
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  • BlondinJDB
    46 Posts
    Mon, Mar 18 2013 9:03 AM

    When my meter stutters...or I get disconnected from a game....or some other sort of problem arises, I'm told to clear my cache.   Good advise...but I'm a computer novice (at age 64 I got started later on this computer stuff than the younger generation).  I'vebeen too afraid to ask until now...but rather than continuing to be frustrated at WGT (it's time to blame me)....could someone give me the steps to clear a cache (I use Internet Explorer).   Thanks for helping a dummy! 

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Mar 18 2013 4:47 PM
  • golfman454ss
    146 Posts
    Mon, Mar 18 2013 6:52 PM

    First thing i would do is get a different browser, i think IE is the worst, I think Google Chrome is the best in my opinion and if u set it up correctly it will clear caches automatically. Also there is a app called CCleaner that u down load that u set to clear all caches, temporary internet files browser history when u run it, its free. Try it ive been using it for yrs now and hv had no probs.

  • BlondinJDB
    46 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 6:36 AM

    Well I've reseached this a bit on my own limited knowledge and found a little about clearing caches and the impact of doing this...see what the WGT Icon wrote about this several years ago in these FORUM discussions.

    Effect of clearing cache and cookies: Keep in mind that clearing your cache and cookies erases your settings for websites. Here are some examples:

    • If you opted to have sites remember your username and password, they will be cleared from your browser's memory when you clear cache and cookies, and you'll have to sign in again.
    • Websites might load a little slower because all of the images and content pieces have to be loaded from scratch.

    Well who wants to do that?  Erase all the websites that use a password and username from your computer's memory!.  Heck I only go to sites that ask me to "sign in"....why would I want to erase all of them?  And then when I do resign into these other websites, then those sites are slow for me (since they have to reload all their images/content, etc.)  So if I understand this correctly WGT is telling us ... to make WGT work smoothly, dump other website memory info.  And now we've passed the slower reaction time back onto those other websites, since they have to reload their memories into your computer.  That's not fixing a problem....that's passing the WGT problem onto all your other internet websites.

    Appears to play WGT and not have interruptions/disconnections...erratic play, etc....then you need to dedicate only one PC in you home as the WGT PC...then have another PC in your home to use for all other webite browsing and usage requirements.   So again the solution is passed back to us...the customer.  That's not  good customer support!.  Am I right or am I wrong?  

  • BlondinJDB
    46 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 7:04 AM

    I loaded Goggle Chrome a few months ago...and it did erase all my prior internet sites (erased my cache memory).  I had to go to my Backup Setting functions to reset my computer to a saved BACKUP period before I had Goggle Chrome installed to retrieve all my prior data.  I then had to call the Microsoft Support line and have them take control of my computer and for 2 hrs have them "cleanup" all the "junk"...including Goggle Chrome, off my PC.   Like I said that was several months ago (cost me close to $100 to have them do that)...before I joined WGT.  My computer has worked great since I've joined WGT (and I love it despite the issues/frustrations that come with disconnects/irratic meters etc), and they tell me to clear my cache (erase my prior website settings)...and others tell me to load another browser.   No sir...sorry!   I'm not going that route again and pay another $100 to get my prior website info back.

    There has to be another solution.     

  • TravisT3
    53 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 6:11 PM


    I loaded Goggle Chrome a few months ago...and it did erase all my prior internet sites (erased my cache memory).  I had to go to my Backup Setting functions to reset my computer to a saved BACKUP period before I had Goggle Chrome installed to retrieve all my prior data.  I then had to call the Microsoft Support line and have them take control of my computer and for 2 hrs have them "cleanup" all the "junk"...including Goggle Chrome, off my PC.   Like I said that was several months ago (cost me close to $100 to have them do that)...before I joined WGT.  My computer has worked great since I've joined WGT (and I love it despite the issues/frustrations that come with disconnects/irratic meters etc), and they tell me to clear my cache (erase my prior website settings)...and others tell me to load another browser.   No sir...sorry!   I'm not going that route again and pay another $100 to get my prior website info back.

    There has to be another solution.     

    The reason your losing the the pass words is because your are dumping the cookies   along with the cache.

    Usually you can go into settings and specify what you want to have cleared . Your best bet is to install another browser  and use it only for this game .

    During the install of all browsers it will ask if you want to import bookmarks  Answer NO

    You will also be asked or or see a box ticked to make it your default browser answer NO and/or untick the box.

    Oh and just say NO to any toolbar/ helpers (ie ,Bing)

    This is probably the simplest way to go at your tech level.

    I fool around with five browsers and dump everything but cookies Every time I close them. All my passwords stay intact.

    Good luck


    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 7:26 PM


    goodluck with that crappy meter... internet explorer sux.. 

    a lil research ..and a lil help from some the fine folks here an you can learn alot..

    playin WGT in a different browser is the way to go... i personally don't like goggle crome.. an use something else..

    there are several good ones.. i think some fit certain comps better than others.. they are not really hard to install (download) and uninstall,,, 

    clearing cashe can be done without looz'n all yer other info.. 

    but i'm, NOT the one to teach ya... i could barely turn a comp on 5 years ago.. but thanks to alotta forum friends have learn'd a BUNCH !! 

    SKYPE is a great way to have someone talk you through procedures .. 


  • dario2589
    202 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 9:53 PM

    CCleaner, great free program.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 8:04 PM

    uncle Bob said Thank you


  • BlondinJDB
    46 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 9:31 AM

    Thank you everyone.  I knew I'd get a bunch of help ...if I asked.  Gonna try these suggestions.  I love WGT gaming so much, that I was ready to go out and buy a new laptop...and dedicate it as "for WGT use only".  Appears these suggestions may save me a bundle of $$$$.

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