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Get rid of the 2.30 TIMER

Fri, Apr 5 2013 8:46 AM (42 replies)
  • TigerLuvsBush
    491 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 8:25 PM

    IF WGT was a flawless game with modern up to date servers then 2:30 would not be an issue. As it stands the 2:30 timer is just another reason to find something else to do with my time.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 8:59 PM

    with modern up to date servers

    ok Nostradamus....tell me specs of the servers. :)

    i don't think Chad Nelson nor anyone from WGT...outwith their server tech support could accurately answer that question or even guess close to the server specs for that matter.

    gimme root access to the servers (like the server techs have) and i'll tell ya within 5 secs :) & while i'm in I'll tweak my player account and deposit $100 Million creds to each of my friends accounts too :)

    however......the real answer to 99.9% connection problems are either ISP or local issues (which is why only 1 person usually gets dc'd in a 4 ball or alt shot's rare to see 2 dc'd at exact same time). it is just something we have to live with, such is the nature of online environments....albeit from gaming sites to naughty sites or even plain ole searching on google...ISP blips show no favouritism.

    but let's just blame the game /'s much easier.

    2.30 mins is ok.



  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 6:06 AM

    I vote keep the timer as is, I play mostly and mainly MPC and get quit on about 1 in 3 if I'm winning. The 5 minute dance was far to long especially when they come back on and do it again twice more. Yes I mostly play with strangers and that is my preference.

    I do feel however for the legitimate disconnect, however 2 1/2 minutes should be plenty of time even from a complete restart of the computer.

    I know I have Windows 8 and an I7 quad core and from a hard power button start I'm up and back on in less than 30 seconds. May not be the norm, but surely the norm is not 5 times more.

    WGT has cut the dance in 1/2 and I can handle 7 1/2 minutes, 15 minutes was far to much to wait for a few credits.

  • jbiscuit
    314 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 6:40 AM

    I'll back the 'player picks' option too. I'd definitely prefer a 5 minute timer back, the 2 or 3 occasions I've DC'd since the upgrade I've got back in about 3 mins and lost games, one on the 4th hole of extra holes! v frustrating. For the record I'd like to see the option to extend the 'game cancelled' timer too, on slow days can be hard to fill the roster in 5 mins and generally if 3 people are sat waiting for a 4th player to join, there's no real reason to punish them by cancelling the game.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 9:11 AM

    RIGHT, 2nd time I've been hit by this wise idea to change timers.  I was on hole #1 in a 333 credit match.  On taking my shot, my avatar froze mid swing, i waited and waited to see if shot would get taken, then i got an error message.  I closed browser and re-loaded game, the game browser loading circle was BLANK and no timer, i kept re-trying a few times until eventually i got It loaded only to find out I WAS DISQUALIFIED. How is anything mentioned MY FAULT???  Whyt should I be penalized for some one's wise idea?  i didn't ask for timer to be shortened It was FORCED on me.  Each time It costs me credits I'm going toi note it down and send WGT the TOTAL amount of credits I've lost due to this timer until they give most of us what we want, a COMPROMISE.  Let us choose what timer we want, just like a shot timer.  Would this be so difficult?????  Please WGT, a SIMPLE SOLUTION to please all.  But a logical solution is not logical for this game..LOL:)

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 9:24 AM

    me too but they were dealing with the stroke play lobby . someone please show me one complaint but it in an AS ???

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 9:36 AM

    The lobby is a great thing they made in stroke, like we know it from match, but set the timer down to 2.20 mins. is redigilous. Cause some quitters makes strokeplayers complain over 5 mins. wait, to game can get on again. Imo is 3 mins ok, but 2.20 way to short to reboot wgt when a disconnect happens. If a person use x-out, ok it punishes his opponents with a wait in a lobby, so another reason to never use x-out, if u have to leave a game use the new option and forfeit when its your turn! Imo the greatest new we have got in stroke, just a shame to many still use the stupid x-out when boss comes in the office!!


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 10:43 PM


    This 2:30 never made sense to me. WGT should be well aware that various parts of the world have very different internet. Some players will get back in 2:30 every time without a problem and some won't, so instead of "punishing" the players that can't, why not keep it at 5:00 and then no-one is losing. (and no, waiting an extra 2:30 for a player to get back is not a "loss")

    I think that most that are for the 2:30 don't play that many games with  friends, or they wouldn't mind waiting for them? 

    I, for one play 90% of my games with friends, or WGTLS A/S, and have never heard anyone complain that 5:00 mins was too long. Sine the change however, there have been quite a few problems,  especially  when playing skins for 4K a player, and a player comes back after 3 mins, or a WGT issue, that fixes itself after 4 mins. 

    Is anyone really losing anything by waiting that extra 2:30, for someone to get back? Go make a cup of coffee or something in the mean time, if you can't handle looking at the screen for an extra 2 minutes. I  realize that there are quitters out there that  make it frustrating, but realistically, how often does this happen and how often do you actually have to wait the entire 5 minutes for a player?

    It just seems that there is more to lose by shortening it.

    Thanks Pb... this is a very Logical Comment :)

  • foregettaboutit
    227 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 11:04 PM

     Let us choose what timer we want, just like a shot timer.  Would this be so difficult?????

    I think you hit the nail on the head with that one chris. Simply give the participants in the game the choice of either 2 and a half minute timer or the 5 minutes.


  • WakeIsland
    213 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 11:17 PM


    Just got stung for the first time (will definitely NOT BE THE LAST) due to the change from 5 minutes to 2.30 timer in matchplay challenge.  My daughter pressed off switch on PC by mistake, and It took 2.45 minutes to boot back up and get online.  OF course when i got back I had LOST MY CREDITS.  Who's wise idea was it to tamper with the timer in the first place????

    Yes, If its a FREE GAME have the shortest timer you ever want.  But when there's credits riding on a macth KEEP IT AT 5 MINUTES.  We get screwed enough money wise playing WGT without the added hazard of a 2.30 minute timer.  what ever customers want, WGT seem to do the opposite just to annoy them.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE put $ matches back to 5 minutes.  How many other poor players will get stung by this action??  My poor 4 year old daughter (who likes watching me play) was GUTTED and nearly in tears when she realised a game we were winning at the time got ruined by this stupid new idea of a timer.  Stop living in a fantasy land and give the customers what they really want.  Alll those posts about moving the timer fall on deaf ears as usual.

    Can I also ask a simple question.  Do any of the WGT ACTUALLY PLAY THIS GAME??  If they did they would realise that 2.30 is not enough when getting disconnected.  Either by game freezes or your own PC.



    We're still collecting feedback on it. Thanks for the report:


    How many more threads need to be created so you can "collect" appropriate feedback.

     Another Thread:

    Another Thread:

    The WGT staff cannot play for credits so therefore it does not effect them.  Please allow players playing for credits an option for 2:30, 3:30 or 5min clock.  This happened to me twice today and lost credits because you cannot get back in 2:30.  By the time the computer restarts, or router restarts, to load WGT on your favorates, log in, hit play now, and click the continue game if it is still there which it never is takes at least 3:30min.