TigerLuvsBush: with modern up to date servers
ok Nostradamus....tell me specs of the servers. :)
i don't think Chad Nelson nor anyone from WGT...outwith their server tech support could accurately answer that question or even guess close to the server specs for that matter.
gimme root access to the servers (like the server techs have) and i'll tell ya within 5 secs :) & while i'm in I'll tweak my player account and deposit $100 Million creds to each of my friends accounts too :)
however......the real answer to 99.9% connection problems are either ISP or local issues (which is why only 1 person usually gets dc'd in a 4 ball or alt shot game...it's rare to see 2 dc'd at exact same time). it is just something we have to live with, such is the nature of online environments....albeit from gaming sites to naughty sites or even plain ole searching on google...ISP blips show no favouritism.
but let's just blame the game / servers...it's much easier.
2.30 mins is ok.