We're still collecting feedback on it. Thanks for the report:)
One thing to consider though: why should a timer be different for credit or non-credit game if the idea is to allow ample time for someone to get back in case of a disconnect?
Just wanted to follow up on "We're still collecting feedback on it"
It's easy for WGT to blame the internet for a lot of issues with this game. I play a number of games online and this IS THE ONLY game where my screen freezes or my router restarts. Two games this week, my screen froze and could not get back in the allotted 2:30 min and lost credits in match play, my router restarts at least once a day and only happens when I am playing this game? I have dully noted a number of times about these issue. I am not asking for credits back but PLEASE have the option to change the disconnect game clock for players playing for credits to 4 or back to 5min. You can see by my daily activity I have played fewer games due to this issue.