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Country Club Invite.....Need help NIV

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jul 10 2010 10:27 PM (2 replies)
  • TDHarvey
    433 Posts
    Sat, Jul 10 2010 9:52 PM

    After several tries and request removals and even the other player trying to request to join...pekk24 and i cant figure out why we cant get him into the Oak Still CC. can you check this out please? Have removed request and resent several times and he has requested to join but neither of us are seeing invites or requests. Thanks in advance


  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Sat, Jul 10 2010 10:17 PM

    Hi TDHarvey,

    Please clear off any pending invitations for pekk24.  Have him check his contact info by clicking the ACCOUNT button and verifying that the email address listed on the account is correct.  Once pekk has verified that the email is correct, visit his/her profile and click the INVITE TO COUNTRY CLUB link at the top.

    That will send an email to the address listed on pekk's account.  If the email is correct and nothing is received that means it is being blocked or automatically forwarded to a spam or junk folder.  Pekk may need to add an exception to his/her email client to make sure emails from are being accepted.

    Once pekk receives the email he/she will need to log in to WGT and then click the confirmation link in the invitation email.

    If you'd like to verify that invitations are working you are welcome to visit this profile and send an invite to join the club by clicking the invite button at the top.  Let me know when you send it and I will verify receipt.

  • TDHarvey
    433 Posts
    Sat, Jul 10 2010 10:27 PM

    thanks niv