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Scoring average question

rated by 0 users
Tue, Mar 19 2013 12:51 PM (1 replies)
  • seppo71
    70 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 3:31 AM

    I moved to the Tour Master tier, average was just under 63, next thing I know, it´s 68!

    What's going on, is it because of the new tier, or what might be the reason?

    For example, do you count only the rounds that i've played as a Tour Master; and forget about the the earlier results?

    Just wondering...

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 12:51 PM


    Your average resets after moving up in any tier, the old scores from the previous tier do not count. But it will go down again after you have played a certain amount of ranked rounds; as your lower scores continue to knock out your higher scores. Or you can play someone higher then you in Match-Play and win; then it will knock your score down in increments as well. 

    happy Golfing!