Choppography:Would love to see some actual data from trustworthy insiders regarding WGT's traffic lately. It has to be "off." I can't find a soul to play when I try multiplayer match games.
Lol, I posted something to this effect about the decline in being able to get "Blitz" games, assuming it was also affecting other games across the board. No surprise to hear this news then. My take on it is, and has been for about 8 months, when they ramped up the degree of difficulty to where it became almost impossible to improve one's average through diligent practice, they reduced the "fun" factor. Less fun = less players. Oh yeah, you'll get lot's of those better players saying this is how it should be, and how the game is too easy as it stands now, and, practice , practice, practice, ( blah, blah, blah. ) Well, guess what? I ain't leavin , I practice, practice, practice, an' I for one feel the bar has been set too high for us mere mortals who don't use cheats, which is why you are seeing the decline in player availability across the board. However, it's WGT's game, and they are perfectly entitled to run/ruin it however they see fit.
Doc :(