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WGT Traffic...

Sun, Aug 18 2013 5:23 PM (31 replies)
  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2013 9:32 AM

    I didn't know if it was new year or New York.


    Lol, having visited that state quite regularly, I can certainly relate to that, and, better yet you don't even need a travel agent. Thanks for the laugh.

    Doc :)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2013 10:17 AM

    Would love to see some actual data from trustworthy insiders regarding WGT's traffic lately.  It has to be "off."  I can't find a soul to play when I try multiplayer match games.  

    I suggest WGTdbloShoe sponsor a WGT Traffic Pick'em contest.  Like this.......

    It's that time again for another Pick'em.  The format will be the same as the Open and the PGA Championship but with a twist.  Pick the number of members on line at WGT at exactly 12 noon Pacific Daylight Time on Saturday Aug. 31st.  Post your name and number on this thread.   Picks must be in before noon PDT on Friday Aug. 30th.  Look forward to seeing everyone's picks.


    My Pick: 153, 222, 461


    - WGTdbloshoe


     Sounds like fun doesn't it Shoe?


  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2013 10:55 AM

    Sounds like fun doesn't it Shoe?

    I'm all for it Andyson, they could even offer prizes like, "Winner get's a VEM free round )!Doc :)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2013 12:14 PM


    Sounds like fun doesn't it Shoe?

    I hear ya Doc!

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2013 12:51 PM

    I feel doc is telling my story. I have to agree 1000% pcnt. My limited skill took a mammoth dump in the crapper over the last several months. I won't even bother with the details because it will only add fuel to the fire of the ones who are having perfect games all the time. I guess for lack of any hard proof of game manipulation, I just totally forgot how to play this game. The fact that my 80 cleveland with full bs will go 88 yards and my Nike will not back up at all must be a problem with my mouse, at times my R1 with a 6 mph head wind goes 270 yards on a dinged shot, my 3 wood with a head wind goes 260 and with a tail wind goes 220 on dinged shots must have something to do with the browser I am using. To go 3 months and never lose a single ball (use up their life yes) but not lose one due to water, weeds, oob or just plain $hitty shots, and then lose over 15 Nikes in 3 weeks must have something to do with my imagination. Regardless, I have forgotten how to play this game and I will just have to live with it. As far as finding an AS game lately, it is getting harder and harder and harder. Maybe I need to clear my cache and people will magically show up.

  • PBaldwin
    108 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2013 3:46 PM


    My take on it is, and has been for about 8 months, when they ramped up the degree of difficulty to where it became almost impossible to improve one's average through diligent practice, they reduced the "fun" factor. Less fun = less players.

    So in going from master to legend in the past 8 months (grinding down my average) I have done something 'almost impossible'? Thanks for the accolade.

    That may be your honest personal perspective but in reality bears no relation to what's actually happening.

    From my bad shots then -wtf wtg shots = 0.1%  wtf were you thinking Paul shots = 99.9%

    Too many people play a bad shot, go into denial, then shout wtf wgt.Remember this, as has been stated by wgt. Hitting the ding does not mean a perfect hit, you can see and hear a ding slightly left or right of  centre of white 'ding' line on meter, do that to the wrong side of wind and you will be quite a few yards from hole.

    There are people who constantly post sub 30/60 rounds, are they all cheats?No, of course they are not. They are people who don't adopt a victim mentality and try to blame the game for their own failings.

    I am not a great player ( and to some, this invalidates my opinion) but I do know that if I can hit a 28 for 9 one day and then hit 36 next day for the same 9, then it is down to me, not wgt. No matter how often I claim 'I hit the exact same shot last time'.The truth is I didn't and neither did you and even if you did, why would it give the same result.

    Answers on a postcard to Pierre Smirnoff Ltd.

    I agree with you 100%.  I feel most of the errors in my game are my own fault, like missing the ding, aiming wrong, wrong club, wrong spin, etc.  There are so many variables that can go wrong that how could you possibly know WGT decided to mess up your shot?  I know for sure that some holes play long/short lately and I'm really starting to keep track of them.  If you don't know this then you will always blame WGT when in fact it's your own fault for not noticing.

    I feel I'm my own worst enemy and miss the ding all too often and leave myself with long birdie putts or no birdie putt at all.  If I could just ding every shot I would be a bit more consistent.  Some days I feel I ding nearly everything and others I'll be lucky to ding 1 or 2 approach shots in 9 holes.

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 6:04 AM



    And there we have the official company line (s). It is never WGT, it is always us. But, once again, this post was about the decline in player availability, and possible reasons for it. From a purely financial standpoint the word "decline" is not one that anyone wants to hear. The question then becomes, "Is anybody listening ?".

    Doc :)


    This just in, reliable sources have just released this photo which may help explain Shoes'  apparent absence from the forum...


    Doc :)

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 7:41 AM

    Every pc game has a shelf life....period.

    WGT's slide was always on the cards.

    Lack of new courses. The prices of virtual equipment etc.

    Online users / players spending more and more time on iPads means they play WGT less.

    The once bright shining light is dimming.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 8:16 AM

    The once bright shining light is dimming.

    That will not hold true for new players, they will find this game as challenging and enjoyable as you once did.

    The problem WGT has is trying to keep players with your skill and experience motivated to play. Unless there is a $ return in doing that, it will never happen.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 11:17 AM



    Go here this should give you some decent information regarding traffic for the website you require.


    Global and US rankings are all well and good but give no idea how many people visit a site.

    Try  It shows how many unique US visitors (computers) arrive at per month.  Roughly 500,000.

    Using the data that 42.3% of traffic is from the US gives us 1.2M unique visitors per month worldwide.

    I've been tracking their traffic for a bit

    The data still doesn't say how many are on-line at any point in time.  I would think it would have to be in the thousands.