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Now even the ad carousel is rigged against us

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 20 2013 5:52 AM (7 replies)
  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 2:09 AM

    It's bad enough that surveys are completed and we're not compensated without complaining to support, but now the ever realible source of credits, the ad carousel is not working properly.  Is this by design or a glitch?  Since yesterday there's been a ridicoulous 12 second ad with Betty White break dancing, followed by truck sales spam.  No matter what you do, you can't get the credits promised and the ad just continues to run over and over again.  Combine that with the newest scam, printable coupons, and what used to be a no nonsense way of earning wgt credits no longer exists. The 10 views, 5 actual credits, aren't rewarded after printing, and even if they were, the 5 cents that the reward represents, doesn't even cover the cost of ink it takes to print these bogus coupons.


    I'm sure this might have been suggested before, but I'll try anyway. Why can't wgt just charge a small sign up fee, then a small membership fee, and earn honest revenue that way, instead of just trying to nickel and dime us for credits.  Just saying.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 2:19 AM

    It's working fine this side of the pond. If I ever need to put cash into this game then I'm gone.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 2:41 AM


    Why can't wgt just charge a small sign up fee, then a small membership fee,

    because WGT is so full of tightwads who won't even dip into their pockets and buy 1 sleeve of balls, letalone pay a sign up fee & monthly membership fee.

    it's a shame course production / servers / wgt staff / server techs / electricity needed to run servers etc actually costs money eh?

    thankfully enough players do choose to inject cash to play, else this *cough *cough free game would disappear fast. and although advertising / sponsorship revenue helps, it isn't anywhere near enough what is needed to sustain this game.

    personally I don't have any issues injecting funds into the game because I believe there's nothing wrong with trying to give support to something that gives a lot of people a lot of enjoyment.

    i'd also happily pay a monthly membership fee in order to contribute to new course development & running costs etc. 

    maybe we will see this being introduced in future....who knows?

    *** before people jump on my back ***.......of course i understand there are certain personal circumstances where people can't buy stuff with cash for a reason and need to go down the freebie route.....and this is why the carousel / surveys are there. i've no issues with that whatsoever....and long may the freebie route continue for the folks who have no other way of getting clubs or balls.

    in the same token, those who do spend reasonable amounts of time on here and could honestly spend real money (even 1 sleeve of balls per week) but downright refuse to because they'd rather leech....well ain't that like getting a ride to work in your neighbour's car each day and never offering to help with the petrol money just because the neighbour was going in the same direction anyway. these types of folk are parasites. they bring nothing in and mean very little to this game.

  • daddd1
    171 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 5:09 AM


    It's working fine this side of the pond. If I ever need to put cash into this game then I'm gone.

    you have to lie a lot

  • corycmc22
    21 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 5:52 AM

    re truck sales spam...try zoom out on your browser...a submit button should appear.

    I also did not get credit for the coupon print...but I think I might actually use the coupon for some new golf shoes.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 8:38 AM

    you have to lie a lot 

    Constructive fact reorganization if you don't mind. :-)


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 8:56 AM




    because WGT is so full of tightwads who won't even dip into their pockets and buy 1 sleeve of balls, letalone pay a sign up fee & monthly membership fee.


    in the same token, those who do spend reasonable amounts of time on here and could honestly spend real money (even 1 sleeve of balls per week) but downright refuse to because they'd rather leech.

    Wow, maybe a stern letter to the Daily Mail will make you feel better. Or you could just adjust your attitude to 'live and let live'.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 9:19 AM

    although advertising / sponsorship revenue helps, it isn't anywhere near enough what is needed to sustain this game.

    I believe you have this backwards. WGT can show advertisers they have 6 million+ members on this website making advertisers more than willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars per month to advertise on this website in an attempt to reach those players' pocket books.

    The adverts is WGT's biggest source of income and is most likely in the millions of dollars per month range. There isn't enough full time players to sustain this website. Take the new R1 driver sales for instance. A large percentage of the units sold were from players who had more than 3500 credits in their accounts from winning credit games they entered with earned credits. A greater part of the better players are likely not injecting real money into this game.

    in the same token, those who do spend reasonable amounts of time on here and could honestly spend real money (even 1 sleeve of balls per week) but downright refuse to because they'd rather leech

    This however addresses a persons character.