DEENA ^^^Here Here I concur 100%^^^, WGT has never been a company that one would associate the word integrity too,they are robbing us blind with their cheating software,(which they denied for a couple of years mind you).When your dinged shot flies straight right or left and into water, is this not cheating?I am one who used to cry about the meter,in 2009 it was just a hiccup,but as time progressed it became worse,i did not understand it at first,but then it dawned on me that. The Meter Is WGT's Cash Cow, now follow me.If the meter is 100% stable,how many balls do you think you would hit OB, or into water? EXACTLY ZERO,so jerky,unstable meter = lost balls,=$$$. Why do i say this?The wgt regular ball has not changed in 3 years not one dot of forgiveness or distance,while they have added over 30 different balls over same time frame. And mind you, all the while ducking and dodging and straight up not answering any question concerning meter, just the old standard IT is your cache,flash,browser,friends list,etc.WHAT A JOKE.i mean there are some children that play your game that will fall for anything you say wgt,but real adults see you for what you are.