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Wind on single play

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Thu, Mar 28 2013 5:08 AM (18 replies)
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  • MacAnnis
    40 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 11:33 AM

    Do all players on a single play competition get the same wind conditions at each hole,e.g. same direction and speed? If not, then I suggest it. How I play certain holes depends on the wind and my chances of birdie vary with it.

  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 5:48 PM

    I think this a pretty good suggestion for a single play situation.  You only get one chance to experience the conditions, so no chance to "practice" under the same conditions.  And for that slice of time you get to see how everyone handled "your" wind conditions for comparison in tourney results.  I can see that this may not be realistic in the sense that people teeing off at different times on a real course can experience very different weather conditions.  But for virtual play it could be fun to see a closer skill based (and equipment based) comparisons by taking out one the random factors.


  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 3:56 PM


    Do all players on a single play competition get the same wind conditions at each hole,e.g. same direction and speed? If not, then I suggest it. How I play certain holes depends on the wind and my chances of birdie vary with it.

    No every one does not have the same winds. They are random. One player may get all or mostly all headwinds while another gets all or mostly all tailwinds and another gets a 50/50 mix.You have to learn how to play all winds.







  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 6:04 PM


    I think this a pretty good suggestion for a single play situation.  You only get one chance to experience the conditions, so no chance to "practice" under the same conditions.  And for that slice of time you get to see how everyone handled "your" wind conditions for comparison in tourney results.  I can see that this may not be realistic in the sense that people teeing off at different times on a real course can experience very different weather conditions.  But for virtual play it could be fun to see a closer skill based (and equipment based) comparisons by taking out one the random factors.



    WGT makes it random so players can't find out exactly what wind per hole from friends and fellow CC members. If it was exactly the same the early players would just tell everyone they know what the conditions were and what shots to hit each hole.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 8:05 PM

    +1 to both CD and BTB comments. Just to clarify however, the wind strength (ie, light/moderate or heavy) is the same for all players, just vary within that condition as with wind direction, its the luck of the draw.

  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 8:49 PM

    good point on the potential team spirit among friends and cc members...

    still, even armed with prior info about wind speed/direction on a given hole, I don't necessarily see such a huge advantage for the trouble (VEM comes to mind where you might statistically need a good number of fellow CC members to help your cause).

      I would still find it interesting to compare the skills brought to bear by my competitors (and their equipment) on identical wind conditions to sort of remove the natural bias I might have that I was handed a short straw from time to time.

    I can see that the WGT solution to provide ramdomness within a boundary of wind speed conditions to be the cleanest solution at this time.


  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 5:32 AM

    So what your saying is it's a guess situation and not a calculated shot. I know from playing courses in Florida, when the person first off the tee experiences wind to shape the shot, I will also have the same conditions unless the wind has lowered. Then I would know that by looking at the trees. Since WGT does not have trees that sway with the wind, it needs to be accurately shown.

    It's a cop-out to say each player will find different wind conditions. Why don't you just say, we put a VEM on certain players when they log in and it automatically alters there shots.

    Today on Kiawah, I had the unfortunate thing of the meter taking off before I even put my finger on the mouse button. Twice. I don't think that was a act of God but an act of WGT because at that very time the second time I saw  my cpu usage from wgt go up to 177K.

    Wgt your not fooling anyone when you do these things to someone who knows computers and has the software to measure how much information and the ip address it's coming from.

    This simple blatant harassment on your part and needs to stop if you don't want further action to legally put this to an end.

    Your Novus 1000v was a big mistake to ever bring into your server.  Shame on you, WGT.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 5:42 AM


    This simple blatant harassment on your part and needs to stop if you don't want further action to legally put this to an end.

    Your Novus 1000v was a big mistake to ever bring into your server.  Shame on you, WGT.

    Do you believe that they are picking on you personally?

    2,580 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 5:52 AM



    Do all players on a single play competition get the same wind conditions at each hole,e.g. same direction and speed? If not, then I suggest it. How I play certain holes depends on the wind and my chances of birdie vary with it.

    One player may get all or mostly all headwinds


    Ok, i will admit it, its me, you flushed me out in the end, lol.



  • MacAnnis
    40 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 12:23 AM

    Thank you for the info. I agree with random wind direction for unlimited play. I think it would be a nice touch if on single play rounds, the wind directions and speeds were the same. Yes, we all need to learn to play different wind conditions, but some holes (e.g. BB #12) are birdie opportunities with favorable winds and tough pars the rest of the time. On single play, you get one shot and if the winds are poor, so are your chances of doing well comparatively.

    Most of us can adjust our shot based on the conditions at hand and I do not think that future knowledge of the exact conditions will matter that much. You still have to aim correctly and putt. But the courses do not PLAY the same with favorable and unfavorable winds, that is the expected value of strokes per round changes based on the favorability of the winds.

    It is frustrating to see the winds and know you will need a perfect game to get a decent score on single play.

    Besides, if you do have people tell you the exact conditions, you are getting a benefit from being a sociable person in WGT. But I don't believe it will be much of a benefit.

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