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counteract the cheating software with in-person tournaments of top players on wgt's computers

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 24 2013 1:21 PM (20 replies)
  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 1:15 PM


    Free beer in san francisco HAND RAISED , Any chance of a day trip to vegas aswell?

    Nope Reno! lol

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 1:20 PM




    Dam Shoeman, My idea I thought had merit, asking the winner of the Majors that win trips to stream a round while on the trip with a camera so they could give tips as they play would be asking very little. Talk about feeling bad about sharing, lol.

    Giving you a hard time, which most do on here. Same as your comment about the cheat thing and hands I would not cheat at a game to win, period. Nor would I cheat on my taxes, probaby because I am an accountant and may be rare but seriously not all people would cheat even for that trip!



    I of course know that the majority of the players on this site are honest and wouldn't.  Just was hoping to point out in a semi non serious way that there are players who would which is why we are always on the look out for them.  I am glad you caught onto the sarcasm of the raising hands comment.  I am new so probably will take people awhile to get my sarcasm, which I am sure there will be plenty of.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 2:27 PM


    Free beer in san francisco HAND RAISED , Any chance of a day trip to vegas aswell?

    I will forego the beer and Vegas, but provided it co-incides with the Reno Air Show count my hand raised - in fact could someone advise can I just sign my card 10 shots lower, would anyone notice?

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 2:55 PM



    Free beer in san francisco HAND RAISED , Any chance of a day trip to vegas aswell?


    I will forego the beer and Vegas, but provided it co-incides with the Reno Air Show count my hand raised - in fact could someone advise can I just sign my card 10 shots lower, would anyone notice?

    I am down, as long as we are not sitting to close in the stands.  Don't want a repeat of a couple years ago.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 5:01 PM


    I am down, as long as we are not sitting to close in the stands.  Don't want a repeat of a couple years ago.

    Your not kidding, a mate was there and was mayhem and at first he thought it was a stunt (there is amazing airmanship).

    Been a few years since I was there watching the races but still get chills re-living the sounds!

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 5:39 PM



    I am down, as long as we are not sitting to close in the stands.  Don't want a repeat of a couple years ago.


    Your not kidding, a mate was there and was mayhem and at first he thought it was a stunt (there is amazing airmanship).

    Been a few years since I was there watching the races but still get chills re-living the sounds!

    I remember watching it on the news, serious chaos, but amazing job by the pilot to save so many lives.



  • 0TarHeel0
    43 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 5:45 PM

    First let me say I play this game because it's a game, and I'm a gamer. I like golf, but it's not what brought me here like many people on this site. This also means I follow other games heavily. No not Tiger Woods, I play WGT because it is the definitive golf gaming experience out. 

    I do feel that anyone who uses any kind of program is cheating. Notes are fine, real golfers use notes, so that's fine, but not a program that does everything for you. I personally don't even use notes. I only use my memory of the course and how it plays, for better or worse. 

    It would be a good idea to get all the top players out for a big live tournament, maybe even once a year would be fine. But there's a problem, that's not WGT's responsibility, and also 9/10 other game developers don't do it either. If there is a live in-person tournament for other games, it's usually organized by other parties and sponsors, not the developers. To ask that of WGT, when they sponsor all kinds of online tourney's in just unfair. 

    With other games, it's usually the players paying their own way into the tournament, and also their travel there. Sometimes sponsors pay that, but there isn't enough interest in WGT as a whole to warrant sponsorship and that type of thing. How many of you would pay for your own air travel to an organized in-person tourney? I'm not doubting anyone's passion for WGT, but other games, it's no problem and there are massive amounts of in-person tourney's. 

    Sure, WGT's popularity isn't what some of those really popular games are, so that narrows down who is willing to do that. 

    How many of you would even watch a live stream? With other games, live streaming is where a game's popularity can skyrocket, and it's growing more and more all the time. 

    I would really like to know how many would potentially watch a live stream of WGT games, from a moderately skilled no-name player such as myself. If there is enough interest, and it doesn't lag down my computer so much, I would consider it, and play against the viewers.

    Even if not many would watch me, if Bollox or another well known player did live streams, how many would be interested and watch then?  

  • ycfc1992
    1,143 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 12:52 PM

    whos bollox?

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 3:34 PM
  • MulliganWilly
    138 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 1:21 PM

    Lotsa complaining but I don't see any solutions to prooving the top players aren't cheating. At least my idea addresses that. The people running this place are just too small minded at expanding the brand. They just dont know how to run the show other than business as usual, which goes nowhere. Ask anybody out there about wgt and they'll go, whaaatt? Meanwhile things are just gonna go downhill from the nowhere they're going with the elephant in the room about cheating software.. and all wgt's doing about it is sticking their ostrich head in the bunker. Thats what they usually do though with stuff around here like the stuttering meter. Just ignore it and oh the only thing that'll go away are more players. Either way, i dont have as much time for this go-nowhere place filled with losers who have nothing better to do than post in this flunk forum and play this all day. Get a life. Not really into playing too much anymore either with cheaters not being addressed other than making shots more wonky. So keep an eye on my rounds.. ain't gonna be a whole hell of a lot anymore. See ya. have fun failing with your life by playing this all day and posting in the forums thousands of times. Maybe turn it off and go catch some sun for once. I'm out.