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Thu, Mar 21 2013 9:15 AM (4 replies)
  • Reno41
    2 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 8:17 AM

    Some of the credit for Multi-Accounts should go to WGT!!.  for example, if you started back in early 2008, like i did, and played several months before the first/second/third/and on upgrade occured, and had good stats, then you were automatically ranked as a Legend from day one, with no chance of playing through the ranks to earn credits.  No, you had to compete with Tibbets, Dansamcan, BiB, etc. for credits...really!  They were playing for free while you were paying for WGT upgrades...and by the way, it still says "Beta" version!!  

    The game is still inconsistent, controlled by WGT, and the server is too small!!

    Good Bye All, and Kiss My Azz WGT!!

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 8:31 AM

     the server is too small!!

    They only have ONE?

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 8:56 AM

    If your current account is a restart ,so be it . But you are unfair in blaming WGT for your lack of involvement .Even though your account is 5 years old ,Level 30 Tour Master , 69 ranked rounds played. Your lack of play ,is why you arent doing better. Like many other players , I would assume that you have a life , beyond this game, and there is noth ing wrong with that . So why the bitterness ? No this game is not perfect , and yes it could be even better than what it is. But bottom line , Reno its just a game.We all get frustrated with WGT , and yet we keep playing on. I dont worry about any other player , in this game . I`m a casual player, and I play totally for fun. I dont play for credits , and spend my time playing stroke play practice rounds. Too many times , we get up in what is not important , when it comes to this game. That being other players , and what they are doing, or not doing.                                                                                                                                                                                                    So take some time off , and back away from the game for awhile .Go fishing, read a good book , or go do something else that you enjoy. But dont let the none sense of this game , get the best of you. Hopefully , the people at WGT will step the game up , andmake it better.Until then , just play and have fun.Happy Swinging

  • TarheelsRule
    5,591 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 9:07 AM

    I'm with Lonnie here.

    It isn't the fault of WGT that you set up an account back years ago and became inactive.

    However if you set up a legitimate new account after closing the old one and complied with all of WGT's rules then have at it.  I play for credits to a limited degree and I am fairly successful but I put in a lot of time on WGT and pick and choose my spots to play.  I can't compete with the great players on WGT, especially in stroke play events, but I'm a good CTTH player so I generally stick to those and only play in the lower value ready go's because I know the top players avoid those.

    The game is for enjoyment, not to win credits.  You don't have to buy the best equipment available to have fun.  

  • riskplayer
    253 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2013 9:15 AM

    The op hasn't played a ranked game in almost 3 years. I doubt he will be missed. Cya.