If your current account is a restart ,so be it . But you are unfair in blaming WGT for your lack of involvement .Even though your account is 5 years old ,Level 30 Tour Master , 69 ranked rounds played. Your lack of play ,is why you arent doing better. Like many other players , I would assume that you have a life , beyond this game, and there is noth ing wrong with that . So why the bitterness ? No this game is not perfect , and yes it could be even better than what it is. But bottom line , Reno its just a game.We all get frustrated with WGT , and yet we keep playing on. I dont worry about any other player , in this game . I`m a casual player, and I play totally for fun. I dont play for credits , and spend my time playing stroke play practice rounds. Too many times , we get up in what is not important , when it comes to this game. That being other players , and what they are doing, or not doing. So take some time off , and back away from the game for awhile .Go fishing, read a good book , or go do something else that you enjoy. But dont let the none sense of this game , get the best of you. Hopefully , the people at WGT will step the game up , andmake it better.Until then , just play and have fun.Happy Swinging