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Cheating !!

Mon, May 6 2013 2:48 PM (32 replies)
  • cosynook
    7 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 3:00 AM

    Hi guys

    Having been a member of wgt now for nearly 4 years, I am deeply saddened and extremely frustrated that more and more suspected cheaters are out there using software to personalise there game stats and to look good -- FOR WHAT ?!?

    There are loads of guys out there that love the game for 1, spent immense hours playing and working hard on their own game and to enjoy it to the fullest, and now the game has been destroyed by people who are suspected of cheating. I am not pointing fingers at anyone, and I have no idea who might be using strange software, but i think that it is high time that Mr wgt himself and his staff step up to the plate and create some sort of software that detects any other programme that is being used to play the game -- i know that it is probably impossible to do so, but hey nothing is impossible !

    I for 1 really love this game and have immense respect for the working hours that went into the creation of this game, but the game has been destroyed by people who are suspected cheaters - We dont know who they are for sure but they know who they are !!

    Something really needs to be done to stop this sad sad thing !!


  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 3:22 AM

    how do people cheat on this game?

    even if players do cheat its all about putting anyway, if players had auto ding it still doesnt mean they can post low scores.

    ive heard about cheats slowing down meter, ive played with the max balls and i find the meter way to slow.

    the only cheats are the multi account players which really bug me to death, which wgt are on to sorting out.

    end of the day i cant see wgt ever fixing that problem

    happy swinging 


  • ForrestLeigh
    264 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 3:41 AM

    There may well be a few,  hopefully very few cheats out there, and probably amongst the 'not very good' player ability.

    Why not very good?  - well even if there is an auto-dinger, even if the meter can be slowed down, thats a small factor in playing this game, the skill is in course management, selecting the correct club, the correct shot,  the correct spin, aiming correctly, selecting the correct power, adjusting for the wind, playing from the fairway, rough, bunker etc,  then making the ding, or getting close to the ding, maybe even missing it on purpose to aid the shot.

    Someone without the skills to play the game may hit the ding with a cheat program, but they won't beat a good, probably even average player, so don't get too hung up on people who post great scores, they are probably a great player, or a multi lol

  • trengoff
    128 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 3:46 AM

    Having downloaded ALL the cheat programs, i was still finding it a chore in filling in all those tables and things ... so i had an even cleverer IDEA!!! .. 'What if i could get the mrs involved?' ... Hmm ..... She could fill it in while i shout out the figures with my feet up behind her!(?)

    ... Its been gr8!! ... i won 90% of games!!! .... in fact it got even better!!! ..... With her having gained my (superior) knowledge of typing in the figures. I actually F@%#$&d off down the pub for a few beers ..... lool .. i came home and found out i just won another 5 games!!! ... MAN im on FIRE ... i love this game!!! 


    (i think u get my point steve .. lol)

  • SafariMan62
    222 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 4:32 AM

    This is all forums are talking about these days.  Auto dingers, slow down the meter software, etc, etc, etc.....

    Its ALL about putting period!  The way some greens have breaks such as Oakmont, Olympic, and Congressional I say phooy to auto dingers!

     If can't read a green, apply proper speed, and know how much to move the flag....well you get the point!

    Play practice games & putt, putt, & putt more....that will win those games!!

    Do you guys ever look at the scorecards that are on the profile page of the the top guns?...18 holes & usually 1 putt per green!! see its the putting that counts!!

    just saying.....


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 5:00 AM

    All been done much recently.......Until WGT make some official statement the matter will not go away.....sadly some feel they need to cheat............I am sure WGT are on to it big as uncertainty in the game play = uncertainty in the business = not good for all..........

  • cyberete
    133 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 5:08 AM

    its very simple for fair play PUNKBUSTER... its easy.. but for what no ?? its the  question...

  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 5:25 AM

    The problem for WGT is that business is like politics.  Perception is reality. 

    It doesn't matter if a cheat isn't all that dangerous, or if there aren't a lot of them playing.  If it is percieved that they are winning everything and the place is full of them THAT is the reality WGT has to deal with.  If they don't...................................................................................

  • trengoff
    128 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 6:08 AM


    Something really needs to be done to stop this sad sad thing !!


    The thing is m8 SOMETHING has been done about it!!! (lol) ... and that why they altered the VEM recently .... We was warned before xmas that it would be adjusted, to cut out silly scores and that.

    If u read the 'patent' with the VEM, and how it operates its been changed (cranked up) to counteract the usage of cheat programs (and silly scores) ... Hence u cant 100% (90% lol)  rely on dinged shots anymore, because the program has (might) changed  the 'sweet spot' of the shot ... (ball)

    Obviously it does also interact with skill development .. tiers, levels etc  ...*And even i noticed (and predicted) that it should effect rounded figures in average, i.e. avg 65.00 .... and it will kick in at around the 65.09 mark ... and yes it did lol 

    So thx for the minority who have messed it up for the majority lol ... (although i personally dont care who i play ... program or person, it just make the win even better)

    Anyway i agree with Jimbog .. overkill me thinks ... (Its just that not many have pointed that out)

  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 8:25 AM



    Something really needs to be done to stop this sad sad thing !!


    The thing is m8 SOMETHING has been done about it!!! (lol) ... and that why they altered the VEM recently .... We was warned before xmas that it would be adjusted, to cut out silly scores and that.

    If u read the 'patent' with the VEM, and how it operates its been changed (cranked up) to counteract the usage of cheat programs (and silly scores) ... Hence u cant 100% (90% lol)  rely on dinged shots anymore, because the program has (might) changed  the 'sweet spot' of the shot ... (ball)

    Obviously it does also interact with skill development .. tiers, levels etc  ...*And even i noticed (and predicted) that it should effect rounded figures in average, i.e. avg 65.00 .... and it will kick in at around the 65.09 mark ... and yes it did lol 

    So thx for the minority who have messed it up for the majority lol ... (although i personally dont care who i play ... program or person, it just make the win even better)

    Anyway i agree with Jimbog .. overkill me thinks ... (Its just that not many have pointed that out)


    Dinging shots has been made into a bit of a lottery yardage wise in an attempt to lower the scores I guess. I play the 200c STA rg alot and noticed that a 63 I shot a couple of days ago got me tied 10th which I found strange, usually that would get me mid 20's.

    Now today I shoot a 60 and I'm thinking hhmm, top 5, NOPE, leader shot a 52??!!! Worse than that, with 11 scores still to come in I was tied 14th so I might get top 25 lol

    It's a total lottery these days and I haven't got a clue, 9i landing 126 in 3mph sidewind, 5i landing 202 in a 6 headwind, I could go on and on but won't bore you as by the sounds of it, you are experiencing it too.

    Not much fun when after hitting them for 1000 practice rounds, you have no clue what yardage your "top of the range" clubs will land in tournament play.

    Overkill indeed but only affects some by the looks of it..