Attention Please!
Most of the "WONDERSCORE PLAYERS" between 52 - 59 average, never or very seldom play with other players. WHY? Well, most of them are the CHEATERS... It takes some time to cheat on every shot, so they prefer to play alone without any timer. They need more time for their setup of the shot.. If shot is not good they can replay the last shot..... CHEATING!
As in everything we do in life, we do not do it the same way every day, because of the human factor. But these 52 - 59 average Wonderplayers they never fail, nope never. They score the same most every day..... HOW? Well, most of them are CHEATERS.
What about the guy who shot 9 under par on his very first round at MERION......well, again, they are called CHEATERS.......
Lastely, why do we see the same guys in the low scoring all the time....CHEATING!
I love the game, but it is clear to me that WGT have changed my platform, and it is now impossible for me to score like I did in the past. THX WGT!