There has been a fair bit of negative talk recently about some aspects of the game, and some of it deservedly so. Away from that I joined a fundamentally great game, "WGT" some 6 months ago having found myself with more time than usual. I just happened to golf game and up came WGT so.................
Look cutting a long story short it is very possible to shoot through to Legend playing mainly ranked rounds in no time at all, and that's from some one who last played a computer game in about 1990 on the Sega Mega Drive. I just turned up and played for the fun, nothing else...........hec never knew anything else about it.
Having got to Legend though that is where the real challenge begins I found.
The recent tips on here about elevation, wind and especially maybe the generally very informative videos posted by some top players have been IMMENSELY USEFUL! As a start to making more notes around them they are also invaluable!
I think my stats have started to turn a tiny bit already because of them..........I hope :)