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Interpreting Stats ?

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Tue, Mar 26 2013 8:18 AM (10 replies)
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  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 4:31 AM


    A question if I may.

    I am obviously not a PC / Console gamer pr se! Nothing against them had all the consoles over the years same as many, but for some reason my love of golf translates to this very good game.  

    And so without trying to sound like a complete F wit and without further ado to the point: 

    Someone pointed, in another thread, out they could tell my stats only went back to December.  I don't care about them being transparent but wondered how you can tell? More to the point can I tell how many games I have played as Legend? I only care because with my new enthusiasm for notes I want to see how my averages start to turn.  As I understand it you can more or less do as you will for 450 rounds as Legend but then they really count??? I am around 6 weeks from the R11 irons and by then I want to have my short game dialed in properly, and will then really work on those new irons to (at least that's the current plan).

    Thanking all in advance ....................


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 4:57 AM

    I advise people to jot down all their stats when they change tiers as it is helpful to look back on them in the future. Otherwise you never know when your average becomes saturated and when your scrambling or putting are improving.

    Your stats are pretty good for a new Legend, especially your GIR. The weakest points seem to be your work out of sand and the putting. 

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 5:34 AM


    I advise people to jot down all their stats when they change tiers as it is helpful to look back on them in the future. Otherwise you never know when your average becomes saturated and when your scrambling or putting are improving.

    Your stats are pretty good for a new Legend, especially your GIR. The weakest points seem to be your work out of sand and the putting. 

    Thanks Courteney........Sand is something I am working on...part of the notes needed thing...putting not concerned about as satisfied I putt OK (always room to improve)..........The notes are more do with the rest of my short game so I give myself more chance to birdie......cheers........So really essentially I guess how many rounds in to Legend before the 50 rounds countdown starts if you are good enough?  If that exists? Seems you say I cant tell how many rounds into legend I am from those stats?

    It's the wedges part of my game I am really concentrating on for this phase.  OK all very important but I will be getting the R11 irons LOL and so will be really concentrating on that part then ...........thanks again though!

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 6:06 AM

    It's 500 rounds to saturate as a Legend. I'm pleased you appreciate my input, I do it a lot with my club members only some people seem not to appreciate it. :-)

  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 6:15 AM

    Hi Jim,

    Courteney is correct in that your score history does not go far enough back to include all your ranked rounds thus far as a legend.

    When you've played ranked round #501 only the best 500 scores will be used to calculate your new average. To begin with it will plummet as the dross falls out of your top 500 scores.

    I think I'm correct with the above info - if not, my ole memory is far worse than I first feared.

    Good luck and enjoy the ride.

    ... now, what was it I was doing prior to replying here????


    *Ninja'd by Courteney.

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 7:57 AM



    A question if I may.

    More to the point can I tell how many games I have played as Legend? I only care because with my new enthusiasm for notes I want to see how my averages start to turn.  As I understand it you can more or less do as you will for 450 rounds as Legend but then they really count??? I am around 6 weeks from the R11 irons and by then I want to have my short game dialed in properly, and will then really work on those new irons to (at least that's the current plan).

    Thanking all in advance ....................



    Courteney is corrct that the easiest way is to write down your statistics frequently,  Although WGT only shows you the last 200 rounds in your Legend sorecard there are 2 ways to make a calclation.

    The first way is to make a rough guess based on your level of play. Lets say you turned Legend 180 days ago. Look back through what you can see on your score history - count the number of days and number of rounds. Calculate your average number of rounds per day and multiply by the number of days since you became a Legend.

    The second way involves very complex math. However if you know how to program cells in Excel it can be done (I did it for a Legend in my CC who had the same question as you).  The basic concept behind the calculations is that there is only one number of rounds that will produce the subtle changes in your average even though they may be very subtle small changes of 0.01 every two or three games. If WGT gave us just 1 more decimal point in our average  (like in your case gave the average as 63.594 or 63.586) it would be relatively easy to calculate.

    None-the-less, it is still possible, if one desires it to pinpoint the number of rounds played especially if the player does not consistently score right at their average.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 9:18 AM

    More to the point can I tell how many games I have played as Legend? I only care because with my new enthusiasm for notes I want to see how my averages start to turn.  As I understand it you can more or less do as you will for 450 rounds as Legend but then they really count???
    It will be hard to tell exactly how many Legend rounds you have but I think it's not of primary importance. As others said, you will notice when you have arrived at 500 by "irregular", more precisely non-linear reaction of the average. It will drop sharply, it will drop on scores above the average - for a while. Most important: It is saturated then, and it will never rise again as long as you are a Legend. (1)

    When you notice such jumps, save the no. of ranked rounds from your stats if you wish so, count off 500 to have a fair impression of your first Legend round. OTOH, it doesn't really matter in the future  :)

    Second point is, all of your Legend rounds from day one on are eligible for your average. Alas, only the best 500 scores will be selected for the calculation. After saturation, you need to play a score better than the worst of those to influence it.

    Thinking the other way round, you'll tier up when you have played 500 Legend scores forming an average of 60.000 or better - none of the worse rounds has any effect.


    (1) Counting and calculations re-start from scratch when you become Tour Legend.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 10:04 AM

    Cheers all..............Interesting to know!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 1:15 PM


    It's 500 rounds to saturate as a Legend. I'm pleased you appreciate my input, I do it a lot with my club members only some people seem not to appreciate it. :-)

    I am not sure why some members do not appreciate your advice, I suppose some people do not like criticism. You run a very good club and look after your members from the accounts I have heard.

    The one thing I will add to what others have said is that the stats can be misleading. Take my stats, sand saves are at under 50% and scrambling is just over 50%. I used starters clubs till I made masters and at that stage these figure were at under 20%. They are slowly creeping up and I know the current stats would be closer to 60% and 75% minimum respectively. Putting stats too have been affected.

    Having said that, for this reason it would be nice to have both career and current Tier stats showing to give a clearer indication of areas that you need to improve on. Yes current tier stats would be jumping like your average when hitting a new tier but they sone settle down.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 1:51 PM


    Cheers all..............Interesting to know!

    I want one of your stuff - NOW!!

    (unless it's inferior to Laphroig Quarter Cask)

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