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BPB High winds could of shot 25 video

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Tue, Mar 26 2013 9:26 PM (9 replies)
  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 2:33 AM

    could of been 25 if not for me recording it effects the grid the dots will not move like they should sometimes so i just deal with it an take what i get very nice 28 though...

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 2:53 AM

    Wow, you put me to shame!!!! Great shooting and thanks for sharing and gives us mere mortals some inspiration,

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 3:27 AM


    Wow, you put me to shame!!!! Great shooting and thanks for sharing and gives us mere mortals some inspiration,

    Thank you alanti...

  • sarak362336
    1,597 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 3:32 AM

    Very nice Jason, and thanks for taking the trouble to share it.


    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 5:40 AM

    NICE shootin thar man ....:) 

    ROCK ON   !!  

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 6:58 AM


    NICE shootin thar man ....:) 

    ROCK ON   !!  

    Thank you bro....

  • RonCarr
    243 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 7:48 AM

    Thanks for posting your round,very NICE!!.One day I hope to find that groove,and achieve a stack of credits,lol,great to dream..Great round..

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 10:23 AM

    yea amazing round.  I feel like I do a lot of the same things just without the same results, maybe some day, great to see though. I  definitely don't hit it nearly that long either, but have different equipment too.

    I noticed one thing...on 9 holes I think you had the wind in your favor on pretty much all of them, if not in your favor it was a cross wind, maybe one hole with it in your face i don't remember exactly.  I just want to know if this is pretty standard for you and if so whose butt do i have to kiss to get those kind of conditions. Does that happen when you spend a certain amount of your own money, when you get to a certain level, win so many credits?

    When I play nine holes in heavy wind I find that about 7-8 of them I have the wind in my face to some degree between 45 degree to dead in my face and on 18 its about 14-15 of them and for sure I always get the wind dead in my face on those long par fours. Like the par 4 17th at StA( can barely clear the houses and get to the fairway) or a couple of those 525 yd par 4 on a couple of the other courses. Now granted with my irons it would be much more difficult to hold the greens with a strong tailwind, but I would much prefer that problem, than only being able to drive the ball 260 and have 200+ yd approach shots.

    just curious

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 2:18 PM


    I noticed one thing...on 9 holes I think you had the wind in your favor on pretty much all of them, if not in your favor it was a cross wind, maybe one hole with it in your face i don't remember exactly.  I just want to know if this is pretty standard for you and if so whose butt do i have to kiss to get those kind of conditions. Does that happen when you spend a certain amount of your own money, when you get to a certain level, win so many credits?


    When I play nine holes in heavy wind I find that about 7-8 of them I have the wind in my face to some degree between 45 degree to dead in my face and on 18 its about 14-15 of them and for sure I always get the wind dead in my face on those long par fours. Like the par 4 17th at StA( can barely clear the houses and get to the fairway) or a couple of those 525 yd par 4 on a couple of the other courses. Now granted with my irons it would be much more difficult to hold the greens with a strong tailwind, but I would much prefer that problem, than only being able to drive the ball 260 and have 200+ yd approach shots.

    just curious


    Has nothing to do with how much u spend or how many credits you have......


    No i would not say they where in my favor had alot of 60 an 30 degree winds yes may have been in my favor on the par 5,,, but in all honesty head winds are much easyer to deal with then cross tail winds why because its much harder to judge where to drop ball cause no matter how much back spin u put on ball it wont stop where u drop it less there is hill behind the pin......

    also with cross winds if you miss ding with winds you are in trouble almost 80% of the time best thing to do is play them to miss a lil in to the wind so that u know you are not going off track by 20 30 yrds saves you from going in the rough next to green witch may leave u a 15 20 foot putt but i would rather be on the green putting for birdie then trying to save par out the rough...

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 9:26 PM

    right on..thanks for that explanation and the insight