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TieBreakers in Ready Go Tournaments

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 27 2013 2:22 PM (2 replies)
  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2013 9:12 AM

    Has their been any thought to using a tiebreaker system in the ready go's beyond the first place position?

    I play some of the stroke plays and a lot of the CTTH ready go's.  In the closest to the hole you have a sort of built in tiebreaker because the scores are taken down to the .00 level however in stroke play, it is only to the stroke leading to many more ties.  You can finish in a 20 way tie for 8th place very easily.

    We have a method in place to break the tie for first, why not use the same method to break ties down through 30th place.  The computer already has the logic to break the tie for first so I assume the programming would be minimal at most.

    Just my opinion, interesting to hear what others think.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2013 9:36 AM

    I understand a tiebreaker for first, there can only be one winner...and since setting up a playoff would be tough logistically and delay, is fine with me.


    But just like in any real life tourney, you can and do have many tied for the same position, so I can't see that changing...if we both tied for 3rd place, would my 31 be better than your 31?  And based on what?

  • CMPunkKk
    1 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2013 2:22 PM

    To first post: Imagine you and someone shoot the same score for 10th place. The other player birdied the last 3 and you birdied the last 2. He wins twice as much... that would suck for you.

    To second post: That's the same with first place.. You still get the same score. I agree playoffs aren't possible.

    I say have no tiebreaker.. Tying for 1st and getting half of what the guy with the same score got is no fun. Sure it works in your favor sometimes but not often.