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A little help thanks......

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Thu, Mar 28 2013 2:41 AM (3 replies)
  • Kindle2010
    602 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2013 3:02 PM

    Hopefully someone can tell me why I get booted out of games that i have invited to, usually before the 1st shot, though it never happens if i do the inviting. Also if I join a random alt shot etc its fine. Most of the time i dont even know its happened, though i have noticed a little sound indicates the disconnect, though the game screen shows me connected still, otehrs see me gone.

    This happens whilst using Maxon 3 and Comodo, getting a bit frustrating to say the least.

    just caused another timed out match, and with 2:30 getting harder to make it back. 

    Any ideas?

    Cheers Kindle2010


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2013 5:25 PM


    we do not support those browsers so I can't really comment there but overall it's a weird issue when it only happens if you are invited and not doing the invite.

    I am not even sure what to say, except for maybe it's worth trying firefox or chrome and seeing if it helps.


  • Kindle2010
    602 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2013 6:10 PM

    Thanks Icon, and yes there is no issue when using Chrome, but miss my silky smooth meter on Maxthon. Hopefully some one else has had same problem and can offer a solution


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Mar 28 2013 2:41 AM

    I really don't know. I do know that some browsers block extra cookies or other things, so that could be an issue, but it's a guess at best.
