experincing delay as i am trying to hit the ball and cant get anywhere near the straight bar to hit the ball striaght. i just added 2 gigs into my computer and still have this delay. any advice of how to make this game run better. by far my favorite game but cant shoot a good score...
You probably need to change browser.Try Maxthon or comodo dragon.
yes, browsers make a difference. i can't use chrome because it causes a delay on
striking the ball so is always late. ie works fine for me. try the others until one
works best for you.
Also if you can describe in more detail what you mean by delay or how much delay e.g. stuttering of swing meter, or clicking the mouse and experiencing a time lag.. etc. this could help zero in on your specific problem.
Sounds a bit like the pepperflash issue on chrome. The meter continue for a while after you click? Chrome has a special version of Flash, they develop it together with Adobe, that they call 'pepperflash' and it creates problem for many.
As the previos posters said,it could very well be a browser issue.But it could be as simple as replacing the batteries in a wireless mouse.Or replacing an old worn out mouse.
the delay happens after i load up and i am ready to hit the ball on the comeback to hit it straight as it apporches the middle | it starts to lag
im running safari on a mac which is capadable for the game but dont know if its the best browser to use. my mouse doesnt need battiers. thanks much
Putting grid is off ? (In your game window click menu - game settings and scroll nearly all the way down)
You cleared your flash cache ?
You cleared your browser cache ?
(Come in with the links Icon :)
if there is another browser which supports flash, I would try it.
it doesn't seem to be anything on our end, so you may have you experiment with different browsers.