719mike:It was so frustrating waiting for 5 minutes for a player who had no intention of reconnecting anyway , and probably got some mild form of pleasure knowing we were stareing at our screens for 5 plus minutes .
First of all Mike, I'm glad to see we have our first verified mind reader on board. Welcome. Secondly, if waiting a WHOLE 5 minutes is so frustrating to you, try decaf, spend a minute with the family you may be ignoring while playing in the first place, send or check your email, etc. I mean what is wrong with this world when 5 whole minutes of your life is SO important anyway. I certainly hope you at one point are unable for some reason to get back in when kicked out of a game. Don't dare come back here & say one word should it happen.
I for one don't get knocked out, & on the rare occasion that my opponent or partner does, 5 minutes is nothing to wait. If nothing else, try to imagine people across the world who have MUCH BIGGER PROBLEMS than waiting a "whole 5 minutes" in a stinking game, like perhaps where their next meal is coming from (like myself at times), or whether their child will live through the night. Get a grip on reality & some perspective please!
It's a game for God's sake! Get a grip & possibly a clue!
Speaking of being a mind reader ,check yourself out .What makes you think I even have a family ? Do you know me ? No , yet you procede to imply that I'm a terrible parent ? I think you need to get a grip . I'm so tired of people like you ripping into people here because you don't agree with them.
True , I'm no mind reader , but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the guy who just lost two balls into the pond and abruptly leaves ISN'T coming back . And yes , 5minutes is a long time to wait .
As far as having some perspective ,maybe you should spend more time solving the problems in this world instead of being a forum troll .