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Timer halved

Sun, Apr 21 2013 4:12 PM (15 replies)
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  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 6:57 PM

    i personally close my wgt window and all others to simply get my meter as good as i internet connection is good but now and again yes i have problems,i have been waiting for opponents to putt on occasion to find out 2 mins later there all in the menu wating for me?wgt error my timers virtually and again i get wgt error try again later and it takes me 2 mins to get wgt back up from scratch then load game screen and then rejoin the game in.i don't quit winning or losing some people have quit in the past freeze game and i get booted and that was with a 5 min timer,unless the problems are rolled out i personally can't see 2'30 timer working,and yes people have issues and im not bothered about waiting 5 mins  ROCKY

  • 719mike
    209 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 6:58 PM


    It was so frustrating waiting for 5 minutes for a player who had no intention of reconnecting anyway , and probably got some mild form of pleasure knowing we were stareing at our screens for 5 plus minutes .

    First of all Mike, I'm glad to see we have our first verified mind reader on board. Welcome. Secondly, if waiting a WHOLE 5 minutes is so frustrating to you, try decaf, spend a minute with the family you may be ignoring while playing in the first place, send or check your email, etc.  I mean what is wrong with this world when 5 whole minutes of your life is SO important anyway. I certainly hope you at one point are unable for some reason to get back in when kicked out of a game.  Don't dare come back here & say one word should it happen.

    I for one don't get knocked out, & on the rare occasion that my opponent or partner does, 5 minutes is nothing to wait.  If nothing else, try to imagine people across the world who have MUCH BIGGER PROBLEMS than waiting a "whole 5 minutes" in a stinking game, like perhaps where their next meal is coming from (like myself at times), or whether their child will live through the night.  Get a grip on reality & some perspective please!   

    It's a game for God's sake!  Get a grip & possibly a clue!


    Speaking of being a mind reader ,check yourself out .What makes you think I even have a family ? Do you know me ? No , yet you procede to imply that I'm a terrible parent ? I think you need to get a grip . I'm so tired of people like you ripping into people here because you don't agree with them.

    True , I'm no mind reader , but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the guy who just lost two balls into the pond and abruptly leaves ISN'T coming back . And yes , 5minutes is a long time to wait .

    As far as having some perspective ,maybe you should spend more time solving the problems in this world instead of being a forum troll .

  • daddd1
    171 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 5:49 AM


    Wow cruel words.

    Not really, you have to excuse some people. They know nobody else can have  different viewpointe. my 5cents.

  • DannyMcFly
    100 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 6:18 AM
    In my opinion this is very frustrating when someone is disconnected and has no intention to reconnect to the game. Some people doing this and enjoying when rest of as normal players must wait, it's spoil the whole game so the 2:30 timer is good.
    But ok, I'm seeing what problem is, we all have different PC's, software etc, some of us are not tech savvy or have low connection. If honest people here lost their CR because they do not have enough time to reconnect, bring back the 5:00 timer, it's after all not a big deal.
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 6:22 AM

    So why don't WGT conduct a poll and actually ask us to vote. I'd go for 3 minutes.

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2013 4:12 PM

    I agree danny,not much i havn't had on this game yet,it is really annoying when i know damn well someone has left thru losing/being behind with 1 hole to go in skins or mp or such.but i can wait the 5 mins easy get a beer have a ciggy talk to wife for a change lol.then there is the other side of the coin iv'e been sat on the tee when another players internet has gone down they're timer has run out and im still waiting for the shot to release or wgt to come up as error,after a while sitting i eventually get WGT error and load my game back up way within to 2.30 timer to get the msg im booted,iv'e found out later as im playing with friends they are all the menu waiting for me and i timed out even before i got the error msg up,the saddest thing is im not waiting for my shot to load it's someone elses.if WGT wasn't so imperfect maybe the 2'30 timer would work,but as it is 5 mins is a push realistically .ROCKY

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