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buying new balls getting out of hand

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Thu, Jul 15 2010 9:14 PM (17 replies)
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  • riskaddiction
    23 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 1:43 PM

    I get buying the clubs and all..   but this nickel and diming with the balls is outright ridiculous...     firstly wgt ties the speed of your swing to the balls you purchase which fundamentally makes no sense ...    secondly you get used to the speed associated with the balls you play...    run out of them and boom..  suddenly your meter speed is so much faster your prior memorization is useless...     thirdly..    no one buys 3 balls at a time...   a pack should provide at least 8 to 10..      

    ive already spent money on pro clubs then master clubs...   isnt that enough?  

    yes its a fun golf game but its also a business.. I get it...  if you want balls that fly further thats fine...    more spin fine..   

    but dont tell me I have to buy a certain type of ball in order to maintain a consistent (and reasonable) swing speed..     that just makes zero sense and is obviously a money making scheme... 





  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 1:48 PM

    that just makes zero sense and is obviously a money making scheme... 

    lol    kinda  like  5000 cash back when ya buy a new car?   or a half price sale at the best buy      come on  man,   of course it is a money making venture    it is a business.

    just  play with the free balls  and get that memorized and all is good.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 1:55 PM

    Risk... yes, WGT is a money making scheme.  Just like McDonalds, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Apple, NFL, PGA, Boeing, Mercedes, et. al.  They need to pay the bills and make a bit of a profit.  If you were the CEO of WGT you would do the same or fall on the junkpile of unsuccessful businesses.

  • riskaddiction
    23 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 2:06 PM

    ok so swing speed tied to your ball makes sense how?   again no one is questioning whether or not its generating income.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 2:24 PM

    ok so swing speed tied to your ball makes sense how?
    Well, I bought some Pro V1s the other day... when I got to the first tee, I didn't swing as hard as I usually do because I didn't want to hurt them or wear them out too soon... so, yea, golf balls are tied to swing speed.


  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 2:52 PM

    The assumption that swing speed equals clubhead speed is incorrect.  The balls you use represent a golfer's feel when standing over a shot.  If you're using the rock hard cheapos in real life you're not going to able to control those as consistently as you would a ProV1x, even with the same range of hits.  This is why top pros on Tour use the expensive balls.  They like the way they feel.

    Swing speed in this game represents just one of the elements of shot control rather than just flat out clubhead speed and potential distance.  Purchasing a game improvement ball will increase your feel for the shot.  The way we manifest that additional level of feel that a ProV1x would provide to a Tour player is to slow down the swing meter.  This allows the player similar consistent results as a result of being able to control the shot better (via the slower meter).

    Hope that helps. =)

  • cappy123
    39 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 7:26 PM

    r u kidding me what is this feel crap this is not real golf we don`t feel anything through the mouse duhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and it is relative to ball purchase the more screwed up shots we take ( swing meter speed ) the more balls sales you generate, i have personally had enough there is something going on with these new gaming sites with beta formats they all have revenue generating areas to there sites,(balls clubs, plays, players, i wont mention any names so you wont have an excuse to comment or ban my account 

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Jul 14 2010 12:12 AM

    Cappy...  I am guessing that "Reading Comprehension" was not your strong suit in school?  WGTniv mentions that "feel" equals "swing speed" and that's how they relate it on a computer game.

    The way we manifest that additional level of feel that a ProV1x would provide to a Tour player is to slow down the swing meter.

    No one said anything about 'feel' for the mouse, except you.

    Remember.... RIF!   (Reading is FUNdamental)

  • riskaddiction
    23 Posts
    Wed, Jul 14 2010 5:26 AM

    I do understand what you are saying but the improvements to a ball are noticeable after contact..     you still swing with the same stroke you have always swung with..   which is what my complaint is..     having the meter (swing) change if you lose a ball and go back to the basics just doesnt make sense..   

     you should however lose additional spin and distance which you can attribute to the ball design...    but no one is going to change their swing simply because they purchased any one kind of ball..      your swing should always be consistent..   

    your meter should remain tied to your clubs that you purchased...  it should not include paying for equipment then paying again for a ball with feel...     the feel is clearly when you swing...   not the .001 seconds of actually striking the ball..   

    if wgt refuses to change this why not at least give people true value by including enough balls with a purchase to last a reasonable amount of time... 



  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Wed, Jul 14 2010 7:52 AM

    Hi Risk... I see your point but the swing does not change.  Only the meter speed changes relative to the type of balls you purchase.  When watching your avatar swing, after you ding, we're all exactly the same.  You and I have the same wonderful swing as does Avatar Lee, Nivlac and BolluxinBrugges.

    Now I'd like to make the suggestion that avatars can be purchased with swings that mimic our real life swings.  The "Hit from the Top" guy/gal, the "Big Azz" swing, the "Short/Choppy", the "Slicing Loop", the "Reverse Pivot", etc.  Oh I pity the poor graphic designer!

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