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Cheats and Percieved Cheats

Thu, Apr 4 2013 5:02 AM (87 replies)
  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 8:52 PM


    Thanks for at least trying to allay the fears of those that enjoy and care hugely about the game. I cannot see how WGT as an organisation can attempt to shut down any program that they would deem as an assistance in playing the game. You would need a hell of a good lawyer for that.

    Secondly, it is the Legend who needs to be wary of playing the Hack for 400 credits, not the other way round :)

    Well said Tiffer but just when wgt makes a response then someone has to add in some other crap just to get another 20 pages going. I wish i worked for wgt cause here would be my response.  Dear WGT customers we here at WGT have seen all your post about cheating. To be honest with you all games have cheats but to your demand we have found away to combat it. We must go back and redesign the game so it can be run on something besides flash and its gonna take some time. We have been in beta for 5 years just in flash mode so to meet your demands we will be shutting the game down for 3 years or longer so we can assure you wont encounter cheats. I know im sad when game shuts down for upgrades but if you want them to fix it then your gonna be away from wgt for a good amount of time because it wont happen overnight.

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 9:10 PM

    If you think its gonna happen overnight then you better go grab some of what she had. 

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 9:21 PM

    I see replies from noted players in this game BUT

    we use military drones to hunt down cheaters

    ^^ Being renowned for my insatiable lust for violence I really like this idea.^^

    No need for the drone though. I have a deadly arsenal of capable war tools. All I need is an IP address and I'm able to send such a jolt across cyberspace that it will melt the cheater's motherboard into a nothingness and blow his router into lower earth's orbit.

    For only $250 / hourly (minimum booking 2 hours).... I can be armed and ready.

    The cat comes free of charge. ( has the same number of teeth as YankeeJim lol)

    100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

    On one final note, there is nothing I like reading more than a legend or TM getting stuffed by a hack or amateur for's just too funny :)


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 10:34 PM



    1. Stop Forum posts that give people links or the knowledge that there are cheats out there.

    2. Players being more vigilant in looking into the player before they join a game for credits. If your a Hack don't be playing a Legend for 400 credits a hole.

    3. Community help in finding cheats.  If you suspect someone let us know privately. 

    I know people will probably want more and definite answers on what exactly we do daily to stop cheating?  Here's the thing though, people who may cheat also read these threads.  So let's say I tell everyone we use military drones to hunt down cheaters, well now that is out in the open and people will adapt. 

    First off thanks for the response. Nothing personal at all here but my 2 cents to the above:

    1. Bit like asking TV companies to stop making crime series or criminals to use both those and the internet to develop the perfect crime, and asking people to stop talking about it in public;

    2. Should be in important notices to any new player ....this will eventually bite WGT big by trying to go quiet ..........

    3. Certainly.  The community owes a duty of care to.

    What must be done eventually (and time is of the essence huge) is issue a notice stating where WGT are at with this.  Details not required what is being done, just how level the playing field is to other games.  Currently WGT is basically saying


    1. play RGs unless you are a very top player with possible near the best equipment going;  

    2. Forget challenges of any sort even with friends if VEM can't be predicted as regards teh latter;

    3. Please don't talk about it as it might put new people off.

    Shoe, no offence to you at all as you seem a reasonable person. Sadly either WGT can say how level the playing field is OR it can't!  As it stands this reads as doing our best but no clue just how rife or how to fix it.

    All that said WGT is fundamentally a great game and I hope it flourishes.  But you will accept people being way more wary spending money on anything especially any challenge / RG, until something as to what the field state at least is known...........

    Companies exist to create secure is possible to issue updates...if anything has meaningfully been done for whatever size the problem is! Costs though I appreciate that and that might be before the solution........That's all your business, but the statements are the communities to...........



    I am a reasonable person and take no offence to anything written here.  Everyone has been asking for a response on what is being done about cheaters and what can be done to stop them.  There is the best answer that I can provide you at this moment in time.  No one is saying don't play the game, just to be more wary of who it is your playing against in match play and skins games.  As to the not posting about the cheats, up to everyone if they really want to put those cheats in more people's hands.  I just put it out there that it would help if the links or names of the programs weren't put out there so freely. 

    Players wanted honesty... that's what this post was about.  What players do with it is up to them.  Rip apart my post or agree with my post, it's fine. I believe in this company or I wouldn't be working for them. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 10:45 PM



    Thanks for at least trying to allay the fears of those that enjoy and care hugely about the game. I cannot see how WGT as an organisation can attempt to shut down any program that they would deem as an assistance in playing the game. You would need a hell of a good lawyer for that.

    Secondly, it is the Legend who needs to be wary of playing the Hack for 400 credits, not the other way round :)

    Well said Tiffer but just when wgt makes a response then someone has to add in some other crap just to get another 20 pages going. I wish i worked for wgt cause here would be my response.  Dear WGT customers we here at WGT have seen all your post about cheating. To be honest with you all games have cheats but to your demand we have found away to combat it. We must go back and redesign the game so it can be run on something besides flash and its gonna take some time. We have been in beta for 5 years just in flash mode so to meet your demands we will be shutting the game down for 3 years or longer so we can assure you wont encounter cheats. I know im sad when game shuts down for upgrades but if you want them to fix it then your gonna be away from wgt for a good amount of time because it wont happen overnight.

    LOL so true B then after that 3 years someone would come out with somthing else to beat the system in a month,, then they would need to shut down agin for another 3 years........

     Its a never ending fight there will always be some computer WIZ out there trying to beat the system  all you can do is stay true to yourself an your friends......

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 10:46 PM


    I am a reasonable person and take no offence to anything written here.  Everyone has been asking for a response on what is being done about cheaters and what can be done to stop them.  There is the best answer that I can provide you at this moment in time.  No one is saying don't play the game, just to be more wary of who it is your playing against in match play and skins games.  As to the not posting about the cheats, up to everyone if they really want to put those cheats in more people's hands.  I just put it out there that it would help if the links or names of the programs weren't put out there so freely. 

    Players wanted honesty... that's what this post was about.  What players do with it is up to them.  Rip apart my post or agree with my post, it's fine. I believe in this company or I wouldn't be working for them. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

    Shoe - You  certainly do seem reasonable. I meant what I said respectfully and maybe some of will help.  May do may not at a meeting??? "But don't know if don't say"...all meant in that light! Sorry if it came across different it was never meant to, just trying be honest with how I see things holistically, not calling on any integrity or well meant honest in the post.

    For one I wish WGT the best and do thank you for being as honest as possible. Said what I thought needed and meant very respectfully - will leave this one alone now.

    If I may say you have my respect, and lets hope everyone can work together on this.


  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 11:52 PM

    I think the WGT spokes person was reasonably clear in what he said.  I see nothing in any of his(?) posts that requires a comprehension ability above the 7th grade level.

    Why must every single thing of general interest as posted by a WGT representative be picked apart word for word?  Is every statement a lie?  Do you not believe the statements?

    Is there a WGT conspiracy ?  Are they trying to steal balls, rob you of your badly made putt from dropping, do you believe that they sell you make believe balls, and then conspire to have them go out of bounds, or in the water so they can sell you more!   Bull crap!

    There are many reasonable players here who have seen and done most everything, and when they make a post to guide or adjust some other players thoughts and actions, do you think that they are not sincere?

    It has been my great pleasure to be a member of WGT for 3 1/2 years.  In that time I have seen or heard about more conspiracies than I can count!, seen some of the best players leave for vague reasons, and an untold amount of bitching about, the meter, the loading, the vem, not enough courses, types of play, same winners in tournaments, all of the above I believe, is not, and can not be controlled by WGT.

    By all means, if you have an issue with WGT that has not been explored, investigated, and hammered to death, then take your shot!  Otherwise read the forums and form your own opinions.  It has already been done to death!

    My Nickle!

  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 1:16 AM


    Well said.


  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 2:18 AM

    Did you know that due to a sudden outbirst about a certain cheatprogram, which i cant mention, the site where you could acquire this program, has changed dramatically and, as it seems, is not distributing it anymore?


    maybe its just a coincidence, and for certain will not stop the use of the program, but at least its something, i guess

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 3:04 AM


    While you are working behind the scenes you need to quit advertising them, too. A simple change of the Community Spotlight to include only players at Master and above who have played in the last 30 days will quit broadcasting to the members that you are proud of the cheaters.

    This is a very good idea, as far as I can see the spotlight is always at least 50% undesirables.  Often the same names are there again and again, there's one guy with a Spanish flag, dante2000 or something similar, who makes a very regular appearance.

    I'm sure there are plenty of us here who would be happy to let you know when we see someone who should be terminated.  It must be somewhat discouraging for new players to see a hack with a 50 something average being paraded before them, not knowing this player cheated to get that score and has long since crawled back under their stone.  Or morphed into a new slime ball.