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Cheats and Percieved Cheats

Thu, Apr 4 2013 5:02 AM (87 replies)
  • Steve442
    710 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 12:40 PM

    ONCE  AGAIN YOU ARE LYING and slandering my name!

    Actually it's libel not slander. Of course it's not either if it's true.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 1:11 PM

    WOW what an explosive thread.

    Yes cheating and multi account threads tend to raise all emotions where in the heat of the moment things are typed without thought.

    Yes both those issues are serious and the forums are really our only outlet to vent but every thread on these subjects degenerates where nothing constructive is, or will ever be, acheived.

    I do not think these threads can no longer benefit anyone and probably should be removed.

    Anyone concerned about cheaters.multis should not raise the issue in the torums, sure tell your friends but PLEASE report them to the moderators. Lets act as the detectives but not as the Jury and Executioner.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 2:20 PM

    As a Reminder from the posting guidelines>>>>>>>


     Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

    •   direct links to malware
    • information related to malware
    •  If you would like to report activity of this nature, please do so by sending out support . DO NOT post this on the forums.

    To me this also should hold true to posting these types of things anywhere that can be publicly viewed on wgt such as profile blogs or profile walls, not just in the forums.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,591 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 2:28 PM

    When people on WGT or anywhere else call out people as cheats it is always disturbing because even if they are proven not to be, the perception still stays in your mind.  Sort of like the newspapers printing their retraction on the back page after they called someone a liar on the front page.

    Defending yourself is always tough, because everyone expects you to say you aren't doing it sort of why the defendant doesn't usually testify in a murder trial, it is sort of expected of him that he will say he is not guilty.

    Reminds me of the old Monty Python Flying Circle group in Quest for the Holy Grail.  They accuse someone of being a witch and throw her in the river because everyone knows that a witch floats.  The accused drowns and thus she was proved innocent, of course she is still dead but innocent none the less.

    There are plenty of cheats on WGT, sandbaggers, multiaccounters, etc.  WGT will eventually deal with them or the game will end up abandoned by the players.  

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 2:53 PM

    Reminds me of the old Monty Python Flying Circle group in Quest for the Holy Grail.

    Was slightly different :)


  • DannyMcFly
    100 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 4:39 PM


    "I would gladly put up a post (of course minus showing the link) ,where as I recall, your posting a You Tube video link showing the demonstration of the auto ding software which also contained a URL to the software and your also posting the name of the software that as Phiber has tried can manipulate the flash player.

    As you well know that cannot be done now as that was contained in the now deleted Exposed Thread and I believe in a couple of other now deleted threads. That's where I got it from so don't be calling me a liar as I am sure some others here can attest to your posting those. Had that and other postings not been deleted by WGT then they would still be there for all to see."


    In ChinaJohn activity 20 March 2013 "Chinajohn replied to EXPOSED in Announcements & News."

    In google cache EXPOSED thread is still there, here is a screenshot of ChinaJohn post (he posted only once in this thread as we all see in his activity):

    I really don't like false accusations...Can we now shut down this thread as Alanti suggested?

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 5:01 PM

    Meanwhile we "spoke about" cheaters, they play our games.

    Case on RG's tour number 47303, reading the standing I think that's we have to increase our skills from the top to the bottom of the tour stands. I can't compete with a player that became Legend in 3/4 months, he/she needs to play in a special links and play with his/her friends only. I'm a normal dude not the six million dollar man with special eyes and special arm with a stunning ultra finger. 

    I got two eyes and one freaky finger to hit the ding and I flip out everyday on every single ready go's played. This one is an example but I think that WGT doing a great job 'till now and can do more with the help of ev'ryone of us, the normal dudes.


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 5:58 PM

    I really don't like false accusations...Can we now shut down this thread as Alanti suggested?

    No need to shut it down. Moderator can remove stuff that does not belong here. Although it seems they have a hard time figuring out what belongs and what not

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 6:26 PM


    I really don't like false accusations...Can we now shut down this thread as Alanti suggested?


    I suggest you go to this thread from March 12th prior to the March 20th Exposed Thread post you are referring to and read through the first 5 posts and you will read him stating he posted the link on the players wall that had requested it. It was indeed posted on that players wall and I followed the link on the wall to the You Tube Video he was talking about. Also you will see that the next player mentions he found it with John's help. So there is nothing being falsely accused. If a link to a Cheat, Hack or Malware is published publicly anywhere on WGT's site for anyone's viewing then it is against the T & C's as far as I know. Please any moderators correct me if I am wrong on this.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 6:35 PM

    WGT wants to sweep this under the carpet, like they do with everything else that they don’t want to see. There is people cheating and there is tools. There is also things that can be done to render those tools useless. If we follow WGT's suggestion and stop talking about it, it we, like them, ignore the fact that there is cheating going on, then they will never lift a finger to get rid of it.