I think the WGT spokes person was reasonably clear in what he said. I see nothing in any of his(?) posts that requires a comprehension ability above the 7th grade level.
Why must every single thing of general interest as posted by a WGT representative be picked apart word for word? Is every statement a lie? Do you not believe the statements?
Is there a WGT conspiracy ? Are they trying to steal balls, rob you of your badly made putt from dropping, do you believe that they sell you make believe balls, and then conspire to have them go out of bounds, or in the water so they can sell you more! Bull crap!
There are many reasonable players here who have seen and done most everything, and when they make a post to guide or adjust some other players thoughts and actions, do you think that they are not sincere?
It has been my great pleasure to be a member of WGT for 3 1/2 years. In that time I have seen or heard about more conspiracies than I can count!, seen some of the best players leave for vague reasons, and an untold amount of bitching about, the meter, the loading, the vem, not enough courses, types of play, same winners in tournaments, all of the above I believe, is not, and can not be controlled by WGT.
By all means, if you have an issue with WGT that has not been explored, investigated, and hammered to death, then take your shot! Otherwise read the forums and form your own opinions. It has already been done to death!
My Nickle!