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Conspiracy theory (Sorry in advance)

Fri, Jun 7 2013 11:32 AM (32 replies)
  • fecks11
    235 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 6:05 AM

    Just played a game against a "lady", 30 second shot timer and she took 30 seconds on each shot no matter how difficult or easy it was. The clock also went down to 00 but  yet she was never penalised, I let my clock run down and immediately got a warning. If people are going to use these programmes and you don't want to play them you should be allowed to end the game without penalty. I asked her to mutually end the game and she refused. I don't really care about the cheats on here as I am not good enough to compete with them but I also don't want to play with them and waste my time.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 6:39 AM

    The clock also went down to 00 but  yet she was never penalised,
    Chances are, you had connection problems. Were you ever disconnected after her 00?

  • AdamDT
    11 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:00 AM

    Yes recently it appears the game lags and appears to run down the timer.

    It's probably either a connection problem with your or with WGT.

    I've seen that a lot lately especially in Alt Shot games.

  • cchristi42
    57 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:09 AM


    The clock also went down to 00 but  yet she was never penalised,
    Chances are, you had connection problems. Were you ever disconnected after her 00?

    Yup, or they had connection problems.  I would imagine the shot is registered client side, sent either directly to the other clients your playing against or to the server (more likely) and then each of the clients download the data for the shot.

    Lag on any 3 of the potential pieces could be causing the problem.

  • fecks11
    235 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 10:03 AM

    Were you ever disconnected after her 00?

    No their were no  disconnection  issues during the game. The vast majority of her shots were taken at the 28/29 second mark and when I asked to agree to end the game she responded immediately declining the offer. I just thought it was extremely strange that any shot regardless of it's ease or difficulty took roughly the exact same time plus she was never in the rough or the sand, I know I am starting the  conspiracy again but you would have to see this to believe it, I was  definitely  playing against a robot!!!! 

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 10:20 AM


    Were you ever disconnected after her 00?

    No their were no  disconnection  issues during the game. The vast majority of her shots were taken at the 28/29 second mark and when I asked to agree to end the game she responded immediately declining the offer. I just thought it was extremely strange that any shot regardless of it's ease or difficulty took roughly the exact same time plus she was never in the rough or the sand, I know I am starting the  conspiracy again but you would have to see this to believe it, I was  definitely  playing against a robot!!!! 

    With a 30 second clock it could be as simple as the player you were playing was taking all the time possible to line up to shot and choose a club.  30 seconds is not a ton of time to make adjustments.  It's like those weekend warriors who have to line up a putt like they do on the tour.  Annoying but no harm intended.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 10:46 AM

    The 2 players clocks wouldn't be showing the same time, it depends on the speed of each person's loading.

  • fecks11
    235 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 4:40 AM

    But to take roughly the exact same time (regardless of the level of difficulty) to take each shot is a bit strange.


  • mickb74
    290 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:04 AM


    The 2 players clocks wouldn't be showing the same time, it depends the speed of each person's loading.

    i dont understand,so when im waiting for a player to load at the start of a clock is running?

    i thought they started to run when both players had loaded.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:20 AM now anyone using up all the time on the 30 sec timer on every shot is using a cheat.

    what next? anyone using up all their time on a 60 sec timer on every shot must be out of the house robbing their neighbours ?

    30 sec timers aren't long at all and if people want to use the entire 30 secs all the time then where's the issue.?

    If people are going to use these programmes and you don't want to play them you should be allowed to end the game without penalty

    how can it be fair play if you decide that the opponent is cheating because he/she is using up 30 secs on every shot & you just pull the plug on the game without penalty?

    you'd wind up with a bad name and no one wanting to play you because you'd just pull the plug on the game as you'd determined they must cheating by using all their time up on every shot.

    just out of curiosity...did you win the game against the lady?
