Level 70 Pro and play everyday.
How to I get below 70. I'm a fairly decent putter and usually just fall victim o WGT's stop 3" short or curve off at the last second gotta.
Maybe a better wedge than the TaylorMade ATV 64 might help my wedge game.
Hitting the TaylorMade R11 Woods& Irons w/the Calloway Tour I(s) which I think is the best overall ball.
Play a lot of Ranked 18 holes Stroke games. Should I switch to 9 holes or different game all together?
Help a desparate hacker out!
You are playing pretty much the same clubs I did as a Pro, Tour Pro and partway into Master. What worked for me was to dump the hybrid and the free sand wedge and replace those 2 with ATV 56 and ATV 60 degree wedges. I ued the same putter as you for a long time.
Looking at your puttng stats I would say that you need to improve getting closer to the hole on the first putt so that all that remains is tap in. I cannot of course say that is the problem with real certainty but the % of 3 putts should get to less than half of the % of 1 putts. My guess is that distance control in putting may be the problem at work here.
Here is on way to more acurately control putt distance on fast greens with your putter:
1) Measure your power bar on the monitor you use when you have the putter selected.
2) Divide the distance into 11 equal parts (e.g. if it is 4 inches long that is about 6/16ths of an inch)
3) On a piece of painter's tape (or Post it Note) mark each distance off with a pen. The mark on the far right is 0 feet - each mark to the left of that is 2.5 feet (far left is 27.5 feet) of putting distance.
4) place the tape below the power bar on your monitor.
5) Use the simple formula putt power distance = distance +1 +/- number of inches up (+) or down (-) Example a 12 foot putt up inches = 12 + 1 + 2 = hit wit 15 feet of power