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Fri, Apr 5 2013 6:49 AM (12 replies)
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  • mcennery
    1 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 5:06 PM

    It is all about the money! I used to be a legend on the Tiger Woods golf site and this is a clone of that game with better graphics. Why can this site not be a true community, it would be a world wide hit. Instead it is nothing more than a money generating system that tries to  maximize profit, by encouraging excessive spending yet giving nothing back to its members. I will continue to play for fun until I become bored, but I secretly hope that this site ultimately fails because it is not genuine and cares more about enriching its owners than the game and assumes its members are all millionaires (or morons). 

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 6:13 PM

    What's got too difficult for you to progress compared to TiggerWoodsO ?

    I secretly hope that this site ultimately fails

    not the sharpest knife in the cutlery tray are you?

    I used to be a legend on the Tiger Woods

    lololol. What's the next tier up from legend on TWO.....Goofy or Pluto?

    the game and assumes its members are all millionaires

    wipe the brown smelly stuff from your lips immediately.

    this is a clone of that game with better graphics

    that's the dumbest comment i've heard so far this year so congratulations....for what's it's worth....those other comments in your post were very close contenders.

    you know what? bugger, in fact.... **** off back to tigerwoods and say hi to Mickey from us all

  • TNP56
    510 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 6:19 PM


    bugger, in fact.... f*ck off back to tigerwoods and say hi to goofy from us all

    the game and assumes its members are all millionaires

    wipe the brown smelly stuff from your lips immediately.

    this is a clone of that game with better graphics

    that's the dumbest comment i've heard so far this year so congratulations.

    I'll have to Second that answer mate !

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 6:26 PM

    OK interesting. Lets put this into context - my 5 year old played Tiger Woods and would cream the game - it is that easy. This game takes a LOT more practice to master the game. He did try this and struggled.

    This game does have a very good community spirit, which you would have noticed if you played the game in the latter months of last year, where many members gave away untold gifts.

    Yes WGT is a business and the objective is to make money, but you can also play this game without spending a cent - many, many members do this and still have top equipment.

    Heres hoping you get bored pretty quickly as the only moron seems to be pointing at you for such ignorance. Two months here and your another so-called expert LMAO

    Too funny TBE - now tell us what you really think! Thats diplomacy on a par with Maggie T in her heyday.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 6:49 PM

    I'll be your Huckleberry, I love this game, my friends especially and have a good laugh once in awhile (usually at my own expense). It's all good, and we spend what we want if we can. Nobody needs to feel like they have too spend anything at all. Yes it is designed to make money, but you can play free, just don't expect to become a top Tour Legend free, it is possible, but you will have to put in the time. Patience is a virtue, that is free. Time is money, no matter how you look at it.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 7:22 PM

    I'm surprised to see this coming from a master. Usually it's just the 1 day wonders from TWO who sign up and patiently wait to get their 1st and only cracker posted in the forums. 

    Perhaps the OP is part of a sleeper cell. :)

    I did jump on the post quite harshly but it pains me to see folks slate the game for all the wrong reasons. If someone wants to try slating the game, go for it, but at least try to pick on points that have a trace of validity.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 9:54 PM

    Why do you need to be a millionaire to play a free game? Any outlay is at the users discretion.

  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 10:06 PM


    It is all about the money! I used to be a legend on the Tiger Woods golf site and this is a clone of that game with better graphics. Why can this site not be a true community, it would be a world wide hit. Instead it is nothing more than a money generating system that tries to  maximize profit, by encouraging excessive spending yet giving nothing back to its members. I will continue to play for fun until I become bored, but I secretly hope that this site ultimately fails because it is not genuine and cares more about enriching its owners than the game and assumes its members are all millionaires (or morons). 

    Well this is 1 minute of my life ill never get back . 

  • thestrut
    23 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 10:36 PM

    A level 70 Pro, been here since 11/2012, was given 150 credits for promotion to Pro, used it to make my 1st purchase today.

    It is possable to achieve some degree of success and do it FREE!  thestrut said that.

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Thu, Apr 4 2013 10:43 PM


    I'll be your Huckleberry,

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