What's wrong....game got too difficult for you to progress compared to TiggerWoodsO ?
mcennery:I secretly hope that this site ultimately fails
not the sharpest knife in the cutlery tray are you?
mcennery: I used to be a legend on the Tiger Woods
lololol. What's the next tier up from legend on TWO.....Goofy or Pluto?
mcennery: the game and assumes its members are all millionaires
wipe the brown smelly stuff from your lips immediately.
mcennery:this is a clone of that game with better graphics
that's the dumbest comment i've heard so far this year so congratulations....for what's it's worth....those other comments in your post were very close contenders.
you know what? bugger off....no, in fact.... **** off back to tigerwoods and say hi to Mickey from us all