I experience players quitting every game so I am forced into starting over a lot.
I now have a yellow check mark because of the number of times I've had to start over.
Why do we have to punished because of the BIG PROBLEM of GAME QUITTERS
I agree we shouldn't be
punished and I thought WGT corrected that problem, at least for 2-player games;
so that only the quitter's completion % rating goes down? But I don't know if WGT did fix it or if they
actually notified the Membership of this or not? With Foursomes, I have no idea
if it has been corrected so that only the quitting partner's completion %
rating is affected or not but the Winning team's completion % rating is
definitely not affected? But again, I don't know if that's true or if WGT
actually notified the Membership of this or not? Regardless, the only way not
to be punished by quitters, is to have it so that all games which have a
quitter, are made null and void and are not recorded. So you simply have to
decide whether a Win is that important to you at the risk of lowering your
completion % rating or not; even IF WGT considered doing that? Though WGT likely had good intentions, the
new completion % rating system has all but rendered the 'Player Search' feature
almost completely useless, IMO. There are more people kicking themselves out of
Searches than ever before because as soon as they see a yellow or red
dot, everyone leaves and the Search and is usually over and you have to start
all over again. What would help though is to have a 'Repeat Same Search Button'
so members don't have to "start all over again".
Anyway, the fact is, by exposing players that don't
finish games, the odds went Way Up that yellow and red-dotted players will show
up Way More Often in Way More Searches and therefore Way Fewer games are found
by "Searching". Do the math. :) I think the old Search system was actually way
better than it has become now; provided they just scrap all games which are
ended by a quitter. That's my 2 cents for what it's worth. :)