By posting links to such cheat devices just fuels the fire for the cheats who wants to use them, or some one who has "thought" about using some sort of cheat but doesn't know how or where to find any, links to such cheat software might give them an opportunity to use such devices. No one should even mention them, the LESS said about cheat software or especially where to find them the better. I've had it up to here ↑ with cheat this or cheat that. Ever since WGT was formed you'd have people saying "how the heck can BIB score so low, he must be cheating" and now new players see these cheat software links they jump to conclusions that thats the way low scores are possible (not hour after hour of knowing this game inside out) and If people find out that some sort of software is out there, you're always going to get a minority of 5HIT PLAYERS who cant do it on their own (the ones who have to play x box and cheat to get UNLIMITED LIVES etc etc) and give the MAJORITY of good honest players accusitions that we're all using some sort of software too. These players cant be that good with the cheat software anyway and Its the same players that win tournaments anyway, THE ONES THAT HAVE PRACTICED & PRACTICED, not the shortcut, 2nd account or cheat software crew. The less said, links to and discussions about cheats the better, let them rot in their own 5hit. We can all use our own cheat software, Its called a BRAIN & Slow meter balls.
How many times I've been in heated arguments in forums, you have to take whats said with a pinch of salt. Sometimes I'm wrong, sometimes I'm right, but whatever happens I never hold no grudge about any one, and also you're always going to get 1 or 2 who like to argue or have a go just for the sake of arguments sake. Its only a WGT forum, If you're wrong or right, todays forum post is tomorrows chip shop wrapping (doesn't work does it/LOL) who really cares??? No point dwelling on anything, just learn for next time and If you need to make a point, make sure you have evidence to back up the point