It appears some here on the WGT forum took offence at some of my recent posts. For causing that offence I most sincerely apologise. I take exception to being accused of things I didn't do, and I will always defend myself from such allegations. This therefore opens me up to more of the same in the future.
Most of my posts on this forum have been to let the forum users know about cheat tools without advertising them, I feel this is a moral duty as if we don't do this we are allowing thieves to steal from the gullible and naive, just the type of people a moral society should seek to protect. However some posters have taken exception to this, they say I have crossed the line of advertising, personally I disagree, I admit that this is a delicate balance but I don't think I have crossed the line, I am starting to suspect that some of the more outrageous attackers have some kind of ulterior motive for making those attacks.
So what to do? I love playing WGT and I will continue to do that. However I will no longer post on this forum. I will still read it and I will use the tips and advice given, but I will no longer add my own advice (such as it may have been worth), there is enough advice here already. I will post only in my CC. If as time passes the cheats prosper, I may return to posting about the tools they use, but for now, they have won. I doubt anyone will miss my posts and this is in no way seeking sympathy for I know that is in the dictionary somewhere between stuff and syphilis.
Good day all and see you in the 19th.