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Stuttering meter

Tue, Apr 9 2013 4:40 PM (52 replies)
  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 4:53 PM


    Just stop saying the stuttering meter some experience is all WGTs fault. It isn't!

    Learn English.

    Just stop saying I am saying that, I don't and I never did.  See how that goes round and round and round? No, I guess you don't see that.

    I produce software and know that there is always some problems that has their root in a misconfigured computer or a misinformed user, but I also know that when a problem is as common as the WGT meter problem, and when that problem has been around for so long, then the responsibility to solve it lies on the producer. How many meter threads do you estimate there is? I would think minimum 500.

    This is fun, I have no intention of being nice, or careful. I have lost the love for this game. Not so much for the game, it is more because of the people behind it. Maybe I make that $5000 call to Mr WGT. Or was it $50000? Could be worth it.

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 5:54 PM

    I have noticed this: At 1am CET to about 3-3:30am the game runs very bad, no matter what day in the week it is, but lag ruins the smooth run on whole gameplay. Meter is unplayable, dont stop on my click(irons) and stutt/jumps on driver wood and wedges, all other time, earlier or later it runs way better. I only see it is a fault by wgt, they cant handle when the big usa start log-in, then the servers get to busy and crashes the gameplay for all users, no matter what browser or inernet you might have. Ok my pc isnt the newest and strongest, but way strong enough to run win7 and maxthon-browser.


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 6:42 PM

    Actually , some of the spikes and skips , are a part of the V.E.M. program .They are there to break your concentration , and be a distraction during game play. Just like when watching the pros play , you see moments when the spectators break the players concentration. SO 50% is user based , poor connection , flash player ,etc. . But the other 50% is on the end of WGT , which they dont like to admit. Pay attention to the game play , and you will notice it starts to happen when you start scoring. At least thats when it happens to me. My 2 cents. Happy Swinging

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 6:58 PM

    Actually , some of the spikes and skips , are a part of the V.E.M. program

    It would be crazy to put VEM in the meter, suicidal almost. That said, I think you're right. I do not think it was put there on purpose, but I think they keep the crappy meter to keep averages up and customers in shop replacing lost balls as a bonus.

    They achieve that, but what they really do is preventing us from having  pleasant round of golf. Would golf be a huge sport if most of the swing was outside of your control? No, golf is popular because it is difficult, very difficult, but you know when you get it right and you know that when it goes wrong, it was you yourself who made the error.

    If WGT thinks it is too easy, then they should make it more difficult. But they should make it more difficult in such a way that we can learn to master the extra complexity they throw at us. A meter that stutters and jumps is not complexity, it is stupidity.

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 7:10 PM

    Hey Tightrope your stats are  pretty  good for  using  starter balls. I know it is none of my  business  but you might try a slower speed ball and see if that helps. I switched to the Max ball and my game improved a lot.  Gives you a little more time to not swing if the meter is jumping.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 7:19 PM

    Hey Tightrope your stats are  pretty  good for  using  starter balls.

    I don't normally use starter balls, but I have stopped buying. Well, I will buy some until my current credits runs out and then, if WGT continue to be cunts, I will let this game rest. I have had a pause for about a year (for very much the same reason - it is not fun to play when there is no feeling in the only physical part of this game) and I was surprised to see nothing really had changed. Game play wise I mean.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 8:04 PM

    Make up your mind man. Was it part of the program, or was it put there by accident?  Can't have it both ways.  

    I think I explained it quite clearly, read again.