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Stuttering meter

Tue, Apr 9 2013 4:40 PM (52 replies)
  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 9:12 PM

    Sigh. Kids. Like this: They failed to make a good meter. Then they decided that bad was good since it added to the randomness and then they kept it. It is not part of their patent, but nevertheless it serves the same purpose. It was not part of VEM initially, but it is now. Well, it is not impossible that the meter is part of the VEM mechanism by design, but the stutters and skips are not. Speed might be.

    Anyway, can you see any other reason why they do not fix it? It is not hard to do. Or are you still of the opinion it is a minor problem affecting only very few players?

    To agree with him means you believe it was programmed in intentionally; then you don't think it was put there on purpose.

  • DLWilliams1053
    1 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 10:03 PM

    The game cheats. The better you play, the more it stutters. It will often just stop and resume or, in some cases, the delay between you clicking to stop the meter and its actually stopping is so severe as to cause lost balls, dropped shots.

    I have noticed that if I am playing well, like getting back to back birdies, the odds are good that I will bogey (or worse), at least one of the next two holes. More often than not, I will bogey both.

    As well, on numerous occasions, I have drawn the meter out to, oh say the 120 yd mark for distance (provided of course there is no wind) only to hit the ball short by at least 5 yds, even with a trailing wind.

    The better I play, the more "mistakes" I make. Like #17 @ Kiawah Island. eg; pin is @194. Front edge of green is 157. Wind is 14mph from directly behind me. Hit my 180 club full and perfect. Ball splashes in water @ 143. 

    In addition, if you don`t spend any money to play or buy equipment, the game gets harder, you make more mistakes, and you are disqualified from nearly every survey to get credits.

    I`m outta here.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 10:09 PM


    The game cheats. The better you play, the more it stutters. It will often just stop and resume or, in some cases, the delay between you clicking to stop the meter and its actually stopping is so severe as to cause lost balls, dropped shots.

    I have noticed that if I am playing well, like getting back to back birdies, the odds are good that I will bogey (or worse), at least one of the next two holes. More often than not, I will bogey both.

    As well, on numerous occasions, I have drawn the meter out to, oh say the 120 yd mark for distance (provided of course there is no wind) only to hit the ball short by at least 5 yds, even with a trailing wind.

    The better I play, the more "mistakes" I make. Like #17 @ Kiawah Island. eg; pin is @194. Front edge of green is 157. Wind is 14mph from directly behind me. Hit my 180 club full and perfect. Ball splashes in water @ 143. 

    In addition, if you don`t spend any money to play or buy equipment, the game gets harder, you make more mistakes, and you are disqualified from nearly every survey to get credits.

    I`m outta here.

    What have you done to correct this? Why not just ask for advice rather than storming off?


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Apr 5 2013 10:54 PM

    I think that the lesson WGT should have learned by now is that the bad meter gives them a lot of badwill. It gives everyone an excuse to blame the game. Exactly how VEM is implemented we will never know. Patent is one thing, how they use it is another. But if your attitude towards the game is negative, you will look for bad things in it, things that confirms your attitude. You will attempt to reject things that threatens to change your attitude. Same goes if the attitude is good. You want to keep it that way.

    If you are on a good round and the meter acts up, you will be annoyed. If the meter acts up on a bad round, you care less. Those mishaps are easier to forget but before they go, they leave a negative imprint that will affect the attitude, so when the meter acts up and destroy your good round it happens easily that it gets more attention than it's really worth. You get slightly paranoid and think that WGT is messing with you. Then comes the next shot, it does not go at all as you expected. Now you are certain WGT is out to get you.

    Next round you remember all that, you start with a negative attitude and expect it to be confirmed that WGT is messing with your game.

    In reality maybe you took the wrong club. Maybe you forgot to read the elevation. Maybe you really took too much spin. With a positive attitude you would probably start with finding the error in your own doings, but since you are certain WGT is manipulating, you blame them.

    Had the meter been smooth and reliable, attitude would change. I think it is that simple. The delay after you click until the meter stops that DLWilliams1053 describes is one of the worst meter errors and it really makes you hate the game. It is most common while using Pepperflash. But pepperflash is gaining shares and WGT should not really expect that everyone that has a problem comes into these forum and search for help. Most people that tries this game for the first time and have meter problems will just think it's a bad game, close the game window and never return.

    Believe me, it is possible to make a smooth and reliable animation in flash.

    What have you done to correct this? Why not just ask for advice rather than storming off?

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 5:42 AM


    Believe me, it is possible to make a smooth and reliable animation in flash.

    Yes sir it is, & I have had one for over a year on a crappy computer using the same old version of flash, with internet music & an interactive site running the whole time.

    We determined back in November you do not have a crappy computer.   Its actually a mid-range CPU and your system is quite a bit above WGT minimum specs.

    You also run Windows XP and many players have reported smooth meter on XP compared to the later operating systems.  In fact, some have gone as far as dual booting their PCs just to run the game on XP.

    Then there's your "Fastest in the U.S. with a ping of 1" internet service which helps too.

    Bottom line is you don't have a crappy system, in fact it is probably golden.  Take real good care of it.


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 6:28 AM


    Actually , some of the spikes and skips , are a part of the V.E.M. program .They are there to break your concentration , and be a distraction during game play. Just like when watching the pros play , you see moments when the spectators break the players concentration. SO 50% is user based , poor connection , flash player ,etc. . But the other 50% is on the end of WGT , which they dont like to admit. Pay attention to the game play , and you will notice it starts to happen when you start scoring. At least thats when it happens to me.

    Glad someone finally figured it out, & the % of each cause & even when it happens. You must really have some insider info!  Why couldn't you have just let us know this a long time ago. Saved a lot of threads, keystrokes & bad feelings.  Unless that is, your source only recently gave you this groundbreaking info.  

    Stating facts from where again?  This has to be the most presumptuous post I've seen. Such improvised, makeshift information. It's overwhelming.

    So why are those of us lucky enough to have no spikes or skips spared the VEM?  What makes us so special?  I start scoring on the first hole, but no VEM. I feel so privileged. 

    At least in my opinion, this is not like you Lonnie. You been drinking the Vemaid?

    Because I pay attention to detail . You on the other hand pay more attention to kissing WGTs pants. With 592  cdp , I have been here for quite sometime now One thing I have noticed also, is that when players say something about this game , here come the troll cheer leaders to defend the game , and berate others.I stated my observation ,and if you dont like it , who cares. The last time I checked , you were not the final authority on this game, nor have I seen you ever help or try to help any one. But then you wouldnt have time , since you are too busy kissing up WGTs behind. My 2 cents. Happy Swinging


  • 719mike
    209 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 6:53 AM

    WGT  has a fix for the meter - Max balls , $6  a sleeve .

  • Ihatecheats
    298 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 7:05 AM



    Actually , some of the spikes and skips , are a part of the V.E.M. program .They are there to break your concentration , and be a distraction during game play. Just like when watching the pros play , you see moments when the spectators break the players concentration. SO 50% is user based , poor connection , flash player ,etc. . But the other 50% is on the end of WGT , which they dont like to admit. Pay attention to the game play , and you will notice it starts to happen when you start scoring. At least thats when it happens to me.

    Glad someone finally figured it out, & the % of each cause & even when it happens. You must really have some insider info!  Why couldn't you have just let us know this a long time ago. Saved a lot of threads, keystrokes & bad feelings.  Unless that is, your source only recently gave you this groundbreaking info.  

    Stating facts from where again?  This has to be the most presumptuous post I've seen. Such improvised, makeshift information. It's overwhelming.

    So why are those of us lucky enough to have no spikes or skips spared the VEM?  What makes us so special?  I start scoring on the first hole, but no VEM. I feel so privileged. 

    At least in my opinion, this is not like you Lonnie. You been drinking the Vemaid?

    Because I pay attention to detail . You on the other hand pay more attention to kissing WGTs pants. With 592  cdp , I have been here for quite sometime now One thing I have noticed also, is that when players say something about this game , here come the troll cheer leaders to defend the game , and berate others.I stated my observation ,and if you dont like it , who cares. The last time I checked , you were not the final authority on this game, nor have I seen you ever help or try to help any one. But then you wouldnt have time , since you are too busy kissing up WGTs behind. My 2 cents. Happy Swinging


    LMFAO well done Lonnie for an accurate repost.