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Stuttering meter

Tue, Apr 9 2013 4:40 PM (52 replies)
  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 7:16 AM

    If they intentionally did something to piss people off, then how do YOU reconcile that with the "greedy, out for nothing but to rip people off scenario"?

    Actually, I said quite the opposite. I said the crappy meter was most probably a mistake, but the refusal to fix it is a deliberate decision. I say that because I know they are fully aware of the fact that the meter is bad, they have admitted that. In my opinion they must also know that it can be made better, specially after me and Andy have pointed out some obvious mistakes they have done which goes against Adobe's "best practice". Why they made that decision is anybody’s guess and I guessed.

    That is all I need to respond to from your  post since it is sprung from you (deliberately?) misunderstanding my words, so keep the popcorns for another trolling session.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 1:50 PM

    believe I misunderstood nothing, but who cares?  You agreed with someone who made a definitive statement as to the precise cause of some of the issues at hand here, & somewhat contradicted yourself in the very next statement, but ...

    You live in a black and white world my friend. If I agree with something a person say, you insist I must agree on everything that person say. Not only the words themselves, but also the spirit of the words. And not just the spirit of the words, but the spirit of the words as you see it.

    That considered, it is surprising that you still don't see the difference between a deliberate action and a deliberate inaction. Ever heard the term "brilliant mistake"? What I mean is that I suspect that WGT see their meter as a brilliant mistake.


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 2:16 AM

    The game is just inconsistent across the board thats all. Can WGT fix it ? Not on this platform they cant otherwise they would have.

    OK lets gut the horsey now.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 6:46 AM

    The game is just inconsistent across the board thats all. Can WGT fix it ? Not on this platform they cant otherwise they would have

    Just stop giving them alibi’s. 1. It can be improved also on this platform and 2. the mistakes they've done on this platform they have dragged along into the iOS version.
    So, to conclude - some problems are the result of using Flash, some are the result of using Flash wrong (fps and gradients) and some are simply wrong regardless of platform (animated gradients).

  • NNinetynine
    3 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 6:10 PM

    Using old versions of flash opens yourselves up to security vulnerabilities unfortunately . No problems here using Waterfox ver. 18 or Chrome ver. 27. Me being a computer hardware guy I can see (especially laptops) the onboard video causing the stutters people are talking about. If so there is nothing you can do other then NEVER buy a laptop without a dedicated video card onboard and nothing that says Intel 3000/4000HD ect.

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Mon, Apr 8 2013 6:40 PM

    If so there is nothing you can do other then NEVER buy a laptop without a dedicated video card onboard and nothing that says Intel 3000/4000HD ect.

    But if you did not have room for a PC and had a "limited" budget that prevented you from buying the top-of-the-line laptop with all the newest whiz-bang gadgets---what would you recommend?