Is anyone else having trouble viewing the little ad credits on the "watch videos" portion of the free credit offers?? Mine spin outta control, and I can't select anything on that page. Any help, would be appreciated. Thanks
Have you tried another browser.
Mines the same and my browser is good
It played a little sluggish earlier , but then , it played fine for me. Watched the videos , and all went well. Try restarting the page and see if that helps. Happy Swinging
HANDBOOK: Mines the same and my browser is good
It's still works fine for me on Maxthon. Maxthon cures most of the problems on this site. Honest. :-)
Works on my Android / maxthon / others but Chrome not for a while. Game plays fine in chrome....Strange to have been going on for some time now considering how popular Chrome is, but that's the current news and weather as I have it!
My carousel accelerates after I have viewed all 7 ads.
The limit is 7 views per day.
all i am gettin is a request from a tele???? comes up between the two ads on carousel.... hasn't allowed me to get any credits for the carousel for about 3 weeks..CAN OU PLEASE FIX THIS WGT??