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Video Carousel - A word to the wise.

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Sun, Apr 7 2013 10:35 AM (8 replies)
  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 4:27 AM

    I must be the only 'wierdo' in the world who plays WGT with Internet Explorer as my browser. I've tried the others,keep coming back to it, but that's for another day.

    If there's anybody else out there that uses this hated and detested browser as well and also relies on credits for watching videos, please don't watch them on IE. The extra videos above the carousel, showed nothing available with IE this morning. I switched to Maxthon, which I also use occasionally and got an extra 29 credits. Not a lot I know, but in these days of credits for views  famine on WGT, an extra 29 credits per day would be most welcome for me.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 4:45 AM

    I keep suggesting people try Maxthon but some are stuck in their ways.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 5:11 AM


    I keep suggesting people try Maxthon but some are stuck in their ways.

    While I agree Court....WGT needs to make their website compatible because IE works on everything else for me except this game n website.............Pointing finger at WGT again I am :)


  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 2:57 PM


    I keep suggesting people try Maxthon but some are stuck in their ways.

    Spot on Courteney. I have realised in my time here that browsers are a very personal and sometimes a very emotive issue for some people.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 5:50 AM


  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 6:00 AM

    I used to use  chrome It sucks I  changed to internet explorer wat a diff meter is smooth as butter most times ive used explorer 8 9 and 10 they all work gr8 for videos also I live in Canada Ontario if that makes a diff I don't know but I recommend ie to anyone\\\  if u have probs with it then delete it n reinstall new version if still prob its your pc to slow or u need to do reg scans like I do helps a lot not ie fault its your fix you pc bottom line

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 6:15 AM

    You must adjust them so that they never update without your permission. When you find one that works for you, you stick with it.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 8:55 AM

    Gloss- I am using a community laptop that my wife also uses for business so adding software isn't really an option. I use Chrome for views and credits. Then I switch to Internet Explorer to actually play the game since the meter works better for me in IE.

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 10:35 AM


    Gloss- Then I switch to Internet Explorer to actually play the game since the meter works better for me in IE.

    Me too mate...... but hardly anyone believes me !! LOL. Also, I prefer to play in a 'window', rather than full screen and the window in IE is the perfect size for me. Guess I'm just weird, like I said before !!