Could it be possible to make a pass for the greens fees at Cabo & Whistler ?
Personally, I'd play them a lot more if I could cover the fees for someone I invite, and it'd be a decent gift to pass around in my club.

Seems like it would be profitable, as I believe there would be more action on these courses. Even if they're not used when gifted, the money's still there. Could even make it so that 2 passes would be used to play 18 holes, further increasing profits.
*Having them available for country club tourneys would be a fat bonus too.
Seems like a win/win/win. WGT makes money, TruGolf gets more action, Golfers get more gifts to give and more fun with more people on more courses.
I know it's been asked for before, but haven't heard of a response as far as to it's possibilites... Maybe there's contracts blocking it or something. I dunno. Just seems like it should be available.