Greetings, everyone!
I'm somewhat new around, even though I made the account several years ago.
I guess I didn't find it that much fun then, as I do now. I've been playing with the starter clubs, now I'm level 30~. Not much great golfing here. So i decided today to get a new putter.
The Spider putter has a little more to its stats, but the Iwi Anser one seems slower. I mean, the meter speed seems different than the one i have now. Not really sure if that will be slower in game.
So, what should I pick? Forgiveness and the same meter speed as the starter one, or more precision and a different meter ( which I think it's slower, even though the meter would suggest otherwise)?
And on that matter, which one of these two actually has the slowest meter? It would be great, as I many times miss the ding with the starter pack.
And if these ideas of mine seem bad, what would you do differently? Would you get a more expensive putter later? Let's say one of 800Cr at a different level?
What would be a better choice than this, as I don't plan to change my clubs for a long time, so I would like to get it right the first time.
Thank you in advance for the tips and advice to come.
A fellow noob player.