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Adjust the damn tees!

Wed, Apr 10 2013 2:12 PM (12 replies)
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  • TreeFiddy350
    6 Posts
    Mon, Apr 8 2013 2:00 PM

    Is it just me or is it absolutely idiotic to give Tour Pros, Masters and Tour Masters the advantage of teeing off from the women's tees? Makes for a  real fun Match Play Challenge when your opponent can consistently use his wedge on the second shot and you're stuck with 170-200 yards. Given that said tiers can also purchase drivers that hit beyond 300 yds (including bounce and roll), puts a Legend that has deserved to move up in tiers to be at a complete disadvantage. I guess I should do it as others do and sandbag my way back to the Master level...

    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 6:04 AM

    It might be something to do with the availability of clubs to those on lower tiers.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 6:23 AM

    Stop looking for "easy victories" against lower tiered players then.  Got stung did we?

    If it bothers you, easy solution is to not play them

  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 7:03 AM


    Is it just me or is it absolutely idiotic to give Tour Pros, Masters and Tour Masters the advantage of teeing off from the women's tees? Makes for a  real fun Match Play Challenge when your opponent can consistently use his wedge on the second shot and you're stuck with 170-200 yards. Given that said tiers can also purchase drivers that hit beyond 300 yds (including bounce and roll), puts a Legend that has deserved to move up in tiers to be at a complete disadvantage. I guess I should do it as others do and sandbag my way back to the Master level...

    hahahahaha out trying to pick out easy wins lol.....

  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 7:03 AM
    is someone whinning
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 7:15 AM

    this is what happens when there's been a failure of democracy.

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 7:22 AM


    this is what happens when there's been a failure of democracy.

    And diplomacy ...


  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 7:27 AM

    Please tell me you don't really think everyone should tee off from the same tees?  Since most people get better the more they play it makes sense that those in a higher tier have life a little bit harder out on the course.  Imagine how boring this game would be if 90% of par 4 holes were driver, wedge, putt.   Where's the fun in that?   Playing #17 at St. Andrews with a strong headwind and not even being able to reach the green in regulation is fun.

    This is supposed to be a challenge and it is when you first get to tee off from the back tees, upping your game to a new level and getting back to hitting good scores is what keeps us coming back for more. 

    Maybe WGT should gift every new legend a set of balls.

  • SafariMan62
    222 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 8:36 AM

    Is it just me or is it absolutely idiotic to give Tour Pros, Masters and Tour Masters the advantage of teeing off from the women's tees?

    Well, WGT sponsors many tourneys where "anyone" including the very top guns can play from the baby tees!

    Remember last year when a player shot the 1st 49 from the WHITE a legend!....

    WGT does as they choose:)...


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