regarding the distance rating where does this come into effect - is it just from the tee, when you hit with full power on the fairway or every shot?
I always thought it was just from the tee.
The reason I ask is that I was recently using some balls with 0 distance rating and it was actually ok from the tee but I seemed to be coming up short on almost every approach shot.
Every hit. You might think of it as being an expression of the coefficient of restitution.
Every shot u do is has distance value, topspin rolls further obviously but a(3rd) bpsin gives a longer traveled hit and normally rolls and ends up being a longer hit.
...except of putts AFAIK.
Thanks for response, any good threads or info on how far in distance the dots make?
Go into practice mode, hit one into the fairway, then hit it back and forth with the same club until you get an average distance for that club/ball combination. Rinse and repeat.
Yeah do that and watch your ball go out of bounds, happens to me all the time .It starts to get expensive
Well, you need to pick a sensible hole to do it on...and hit it straight.
It is about 3 yards per dot but balls with more dots of backspin lose a slight amount of distance.
For your wedges as a starting point
64 wedge try half a yard per dot
60 wedge try a yard per dot
56 wedge try 2 yards per dot
I not having your irons but try 2 yards per dot to start it all be different with the different balls you need to try out.