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WGT Marketing

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Wed, Apr 10 2013 2:41 AM (2 replies)
  • FormerTL
    9 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 2:09 AM

    My suggestion isn't new.  Indeed it has been a pretty standard part of retail business for decades.

    *** Customer inducements and discounts ***

    A fantastic way to inspire customers to part with cash is limited time specials.  Offer "this weekend only" 3 for 2 on cash credit buys.  At the same time, offer "all club sets 20% off".

    Just about every player that has ever paid real money into the game will likely jump on such an offer.  But the best bit for WGT is a whole lot that never have probably will.  When combined with a pro shop offer the even better part for the WGT accountant is that a lot of the credits bought will get spent on the same day.

    Such "schemes" are also a good reward for regular players.  If an offer comes out of the blue "today only!" regulars will see it.

    Every player here recognises that WGT is a business.  I'm just thinking maybe in amongst the computer savvy and website savvy employee's, maybe WGT should consider getting a business marketer onto the payroll... ;)

    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 1:40 AM

    Gotta admire your  enthusiasm.

    Your idea has been suggested many times.


    Deaf ears my friend.

    WGT should consider getting a business marketer


    Just a 'marketer' would be ok. Someone with an ounce of Customer Retention knowledge.

    Then we might see less slapping of the face to loyal members.



  • FormerTL
    9 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 2:41 AM

    Thanks for the reply compatriot.

    I suppose I just sit here thinking "costs nothing for stock".  "No need to make a huge purchase deal to get stock at a wholesale discount."  "Every sale represents profit regardless of margin".

    It's a freakin' market dream scenario!

    Why cop a constant barrage from customers players like "you only care about the money".  Everything WGT is "designed to suck money out of us".

    You could actually do the above two even better - with a crap load less complaint and even the odd bit of praise!?

    There'd be more "2 for 1 Nikes - gotta love that WGT!" and "be patient, there are sales on often and you might be able to pick up a set of clubs cheap."  Customers players will be asking when they can spend more credits rather than bemoaning having to do so.

    C'mon!  Gotta be a no brainer.  :-)