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Flop Shots

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Fri, Apr 12 2013 1:04 PM (20 replies)
  • senec
    254 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 11:06 AM

    When you get good at it,if you're thinking you have a chance of sinking the shot;don't put any back spin and don't forget to take the pin out.

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 11:42 AM


    When you get good at it,if you're thinking you have a chance of sinking the shot;don't put any back spin and don't forget to take the pin out.

    No backspin? Flops work best with backspin unless you need a little top spin to get a couple of yards extra if you are in between clubs.

  • Kelsey12
    2,114 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 2:15 PM


    i use the grid , 2 squares to the left to start then adjust for wind cause it is a factor ... 

    I use the grid as well - 1 square for every 10 ft of distance, compensating for wind.


  • adtjoel
    124 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 5:16 PM


    I noticed a great deal of players using the flop and doing well, started to use it myself, because...!

    Using high end Cleveland wedges and full backspin, you can get "God" flops, stop absolutely dead when they hit the green. Just need to hit them 2-3 yards more than usual, but I have often finished 0 yard from pin and have dropped in numerous times...

    Sometimes it's a little too far to play a flop, sometimes a bit close but around 12-20 yards is perfect to play a flop and I always play a flop above any other shot when in that range.

  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 6:40 PM

    The flop must be dinged (IMO) to produce a true flop that results in minimal roll after landing . Yes, hit the 'dang line' (to left of ding line) if you don't want to change aim, but it wont be a true flop

    How far left to aim is the question, My answer (adjust as required for wind and slope in landing zone) is: 20 yd flop, aim 6 ft, (3 squares on putting grid) left; 30 yd, 4 squares left; 40 yds, make it 5 squares left.

    Prev responses have been right on for impact of wind.

  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 6:40 PM

    duplicate post oops

  • golfman454ss
    146 Posts
    Thu, Apr 11 2013 5:43 AM

    I too love the flop shot, but I dont move aiming marker I leave it right on the pin and hit the last line b4 the ding,better chance of hittin a straight flop at the pin than tryin to figure out how far left to aim. u need to add about 2 yrds to compensate for early hit and full bs I usually end up right next to pin if not a made shot.

  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Thu, Apr 11 2013 9:47 PM


    I too love the flop shot, but I dont move aiming marker I leave it right on the pin and hit the last line b4 the ding,better chance of hittin a straight flop at the pin than tryin to figure out how far left to aim. u need to add about 2 yrds to compensate for early hit and full bs I usually end up right next to pin if not a made shot.

    Do you use flop out of the sand even when lie is 30-40 or 40-50? I always use it with 15-20 or 20-25, but not worse lies. Maybe i've been missing out on the best way!!!


    Bob Payne


  • Kelsey12
    2,114 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 5:36 AM


    Do you use flop out of the sand even when lie is 30-40 or 40-50? I always use it with 15-20 or 20-25, but not worse lies. Maybe i've been missing out on the best way!!!

    Depends on the distance for me. Anything within, say, 25 yards maybe, yes. Outside of that, I find the punch works better. With 30-40%, I add an extra 50% or so for distance; more for elevated shots. 40-50% I add closer to 75%.

  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 6:10 AM

    perfect example how useful the flopshot can be:


    Cheers, GC